Farmerjan's journal - Weather


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
What is the brand name and where do you get one? Not in California naturally, but we could get it out of state and bring it back for the hillsides after the sheep relocate to TX. How steep can it mow?


Herd Master
Aug 27, 2022
Reaction score
Southern CA
What is the brand name and where do you get one? Not in California naturally, but we could get it out of state and bring it back for the hillsides after the sheep relocate to TX. How steep can it mow?
I'll have to look. Ours was shipped <sigh> from china 😖, a neighbor saw ours and got one as well. DH found it online and ordered.
From what you've said of your hillsides in CA I think they may be too steep. I think the slope in the video is not quite 2-1. So it's up and down up and down - no working sideways because the dozer tracks can slip :barnieoff their gear. On the ranch I don't use it where it's got lots of big rocks because I could just see the blade and the rocks not being too happy together. It does do well with heavy brush.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Saturday night. Done and in a bit ago.

The weather stayed pretty decent... not alot of bright sun but there was more sun interspersed in the clouds than not. Good breeze and the clothes dried nicely and are in the house to be folded.

Went to get the truck to feed next door hay and DS had loaded a silage cart and said to take that to them, then they would stay there and eat it and I could go across the road and get hay and such. I fed 1 bale of the wheat and 2 of grass hay since there is a call for some rain/showers... plus they have the cart full of silage. After dropping it and feeding the hay, backed up and brought the other one out to take back to the barn... they hadn't cleaned it up, but DS said he would put a couple scoops with the skid loader bucket in it and take it up to the other cows and they could pick through and maybe clean up more of it. Cows are wanting grass and not hay or silage.

Recording thermometer hit 73 in the sun, with the breeze was feel like in the mid 60's... but fairly comfortable.

Can't get the big trap to trip very well... got to work on it more tomorrow I guess.

Have the 1st NEW spring calf, in the nurse cow pasture, from a heifer... my heifer no less... and I thought for sure one of the other ones would calve first... So, #51 had a nice looking HEIFER calf... first one out of the "new bulls we bought at a bull sale back in late 2022... used them for the first time in June of 2023.... good sized calf... probably 65- 70 lbs... The damned buzzards were there, after the afterbirth she had passed... but she had moved the calf a little and was being very watchful... I gave her a little grain right there to eat, and then went in and did the calves in the barn lot... 5 of the "beef babies" that are there from late Nov-Dec...also went in to eat grain... that is good... one of these next few days I will get them in and close the creep gate so DS can come and tag and band them....and maybe move a couple with their momma's to "cow pastures"....

They had really worked on the wheat bales I put in there yesterday and barely touched the hay bale... Will need to feed them again on Mon or Tuesday....
Ought to be several more calving soon... they are all showing udders... I think there are about 8 total due to calve... including Jess, my longhorn... have to check the list.

Going to take a shower and wash the cow sh!t, and iodine smell, out of my hair and be "clean" for a day or 2.

I didn't sleep good last night, thinking I might oversleep the alarm... so I am tired...

Want to find a couple of tubs tomorrow, the ones we get the protein/molasses supplements in... that have cracked bottoms so I can plant some of the plants I picked up... the peonies and bleeding hearts and 2 different dahlias... we have some that are not cracked that we use for water and such, but some have cracks in the bottoms so are great for plants so they do not get water logged..... so they don't get eaten by the cotton pickin moles/voles... found another one on the porch half eaten... compliments of my cats... but there are "tunnels in the grass in the yard so there are plenty more... I also want to plant the couple little pots of the mini daffodils I got... but they will go in the ground since the rest are doing so good in the yard... and take the 2 pots to Deb tomorrow so she can get them in the ground before she goes back... meant to take them today but got side tracked with the feeding...

Also noticed something had been into the end of a stick of butter I left out... set the trap and got a mouse last night.... haven't seen any of them for awhile... reset it and we will see.