Farmerjan's journal - Weather


Overrun with beasties
Sep 20, 2024
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Damp morning. 67 to start, there was some rain overnight and we were in a break right . Radar had shown that we would have about a 3-4 hour break or so... Had some misty stuff... and it is just beginning to rain some now. It is coming straight down, not "pouring" but pretty close. We will be getting this for the rest of the day pretty much. A band that is moving through... more and less rains, over the day.

The NC/VA border is getting hammered... there will be alot of flooding. They declared a state of emergency to enable deployment of services and about every school I know of is closed... Smart with the possible road flooding everywhere.

Are there any members here that have had some of the worst of it.... along the area of FL that it came in, through GA, and AL.... and then up through TN and KY and into Indiana and OH...... ?????
Plus there are some members in NC, with it coming up into VA.... It looks like @Mini Horses and @canesisters and @secuono will be getting it today too. I know there are others... I hope everyone gets through this, thankful for the water that we have needed, and not have too much damage or problems from it, but the inconvenience of the soaking wet weather.

Inside work day... going to do something even if it is wrong !!!!;):lol::clap:clap
We're eastern NC, got a couple good downpours, no flooding. It also was breezy but I don't see any branches down.

I recognize roads we've traveled when damage videos and photos are posted.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Sat morning... Sun was out bright for a bit but now some more clouds... breezy... we will see some of this all day but the breeze will help to dry up the surface some.
68 to start...

We had right at 2 inches in the rain gauge... total. There was a little damage in the area... DS texted me last night and said a gust of wind must've gone through and took a pole down across the road right out in front of the farm field that is next to the road ... the major part of the road frontage we have is along this one field and then it goes back down the old RR track bed as the driveway/road all the way through the farm to the end of the property and through the other places and actually comes out right near me here and originally came across my little place... abandoned years and years and years ago... But overall, we had very little damage here except some washing of ditches and such. Going to go to Deb's place and see how much damage it did to her driveway... it is not built right so water runs down the middle in spots and washes out... instead of having a little bit of a crown in the middle so it runs off to the sides more...

I will go up to the calves in a bit and feed them too. I saw a bunch of cows out grazing some yesterday afternoon so they should be fine and the calves could get in the little barn/shed there if they wanted through the creep gate. Hoping the surface dries out a bit before I go driving in the grass and such up there.

I am going to go out and check out the sunflowers... some may have come down with the few gusts of wind we had... I can see from the house that the butternut squash and the crenshaw vines are all pretty much dead since I can see all the "fruits" all over the garden areas... Time to get them gathered up and off the soggy ground so they can dry and rinds harden for winter storage. But it was soft/soggy yesterday when I went out for just a little bit to check on things, so it will be VERY SOFT in the garden area. Need to see if there are green beans and how the late planted summer squash is doing... and see about picking tomatoes.... this will keep the potato vines green longer too... but may make some of the potatoes have hollow centers, or split, if they still do much more growing. Seems I dug most of them last year in Oct...

Showers forecast for the next 2-3 days as this storm stalled out in the KY, IN, OH areas and will not start to move east and then out to sea as a "normal low" .....

We needed the rain and it will go a long way to building back up our soil moisture... That was over 5 inches for the week.... at least it was spread out over 5 days and not all at once in a day... it is soggy out but it has soaked in quite a bit too...
We were fortunate....