5 hives - the struggling top bar hive took that bar of brood I gave it and is off and running! The two thriving TBHs have 17 bars of comb in varying stages.
My best colony was two bars from filling the two footer they are in, so I pulled the queen and two bars into another box... here goes nothing! These girls have good temperament and perfect comb building form- no attachments. This has been a really cool experience so far. Wish me luck.
Finally got a weather break and was able to get into both mine today. Temp was 85 and they were super active so today I wore a tivek full body suit with the legs cut off just below crotch level. So more of a zip up jacket with the veil and also used smoke. Still bare handed though They were very calm and no pinging off me at all, no stings
They are building some really weird bur comb in there and I tore some of it taking frames out. Got a dab of honey to taste Saw both queens there's eggs and larva as well as capped brood and food stores of pollen and honey. Saw a few drones as well. So, introducing her highness: