Loving the herd life
The first goats I got all had horns, pygmy cashmere, I have one of the does left. Her horns go straight up, I'm forever worrying that I'll lose an eye. Her sire had beautiful long curvy horns, for that reason I left the horns on the buckling from her sister.
All my others have horns except for my togg x pygmy. They are either angora or pygoras, breeders seem to go 50/50 on disbudding with them.
Personally I like the curling horns, I don't keep collars on any of them since they have horns. Even the one with no horns headbutts the others, she has no clue she's unarmed...
All my others have horns except for my togg x pygmy. They are either angora or pygoras, breeders seem to go 50/50 on disbudding with them.
Personally I like the curling horns, I don't keep collars on any of them since they have horns. Even the one with no horns headbutts the others, she has no clue she's unarmed...