Southern by choice
Herd Master
Old thread and very strong opinions on both sides.
I also think there is validity to both sides of the argument.
I will say however I do not think the "show" standard or requirements makes it of greater validity. For thousands of years, before there ever was a "show" world, goats were milked and they had horns.
Most places in the world do not disbud goats and they milk them.
In the canine world I have seen many of breeds DESTROYED by the show world. Man always tweaking what "pleases" them.
When goats were created, they were created with horns. Man has the options of altering what was naturally created, yes. Sometimes these alterations have a positive effect sometimes not.
For years the standard in certain breeds of dogs was to crop ears, or dock tails, sometimes both. Neither had anything to do with the function or ability of the canine. A lot like goats. Now the pendulum has swung the other way and people find these practices cruel and abusive.
I do not find dis-budding cruel just like I do not consider tail docking or ear cropping cruel. I do not believe it is necessary in most cases, however my Lamancha mini's will, more than likely, be disbudded. I do not disbud any other of our goats and we encourage the polled genetics. Why would I dis-bud these guys... simple- Lamanchas are really naughty and their horns can be a serious issue. In this case I think there are greater benefits to dis-budding these kids than not. I am also glad to have the option of doing so.
I also think there is validity to both sides of the argument.
I will say however I do not think the "show" standard or requirements makes it of greater validity. For thousands of years, before there ever was a "show" world, goats were milked and they had horns.
Most places in the world do not disbud goats and they milk them.
In the canine world I have seen many of breeds DESTROYED by the show world. Man always tweaking what "pleases" them.
When goats were created, they were created with horns. Man has the options of altering what was naturally created, yes. Sometimes these alterations have a positive effect sometimes not.
For years the standard in certain breeds of dogs was to crop ears, or dock tails, sometimes both. Neither had anything to do with the function or ability of the canine. A lot like goats. Now the pendulum has swung the other way and people find these practices cruel and abusive.
I do not find dis-budding cruel just like I do not consider tail docking or ear cropping cruel. I do not believe it is necessary in most cases, however my Lamancha mini's will, more than likely, be disbudded. I do not disbud any other of our goats and we encourage the polled genetics. Why would I dis-bud these guys... simple- Lamanchas are really naughty and their horns can be a serious issue. In this case I think there are greater benefits to dis-budding these kids than not. I am also glad to have the option of doing so.