Overrun with beasties
I guess I should have prefaced that with the fact that the only show experience I have had is ABGA and USBGA sanctioned shows....County fairs are a whole different animal. While we do show at the county level most of the animals are terminal...They Go But They Don't Come Home. At our county or any other show for that matter you can ask for and get multiple stalls, sometimes it costs extra. That puts an empty on both sides of your animals. I don't think the people to goat disease risk is very large...Money at Goat shows? Win a Classic or the State Fair...heck even win at the county level...you will have people calling you for wethers for the show season next year. I admit if you really wanted to slip in a sick animal there is a way, but what would you have to gain? My sons wether went off feed the day before we had to check him in at the fair this summer. I left him at home, much to my son's dismay, because I told him there was No Way his wether could compete against a wether on full feed, even though he only really didn't eat 1 day....Why go if you can't win?