Herd Master
Well Southern...I follow you all...and really I should be in bed...such a hopeless addict 

That all sounds awesome strawStraw Hat Kikos said:So funny Jodie. I spend most of the morning feeding, getting water, hay, etc for my goats and the dogs. Then I had to move the hay feeder out of the back stall where the does are to make more room for kidding. I moved it out into the field because they eat wet or dry hay. Then I took the large area where we keep all our hay and I flipped the round bale up and into the corner, picked up the excess hay and put it elsewhere, and laid hay (no straw) in both new kidding stalls for the does. Took me a little bit and it became hard work doing it alone but after I was done I jumped into the pile of hay that my bad goats keep eating (not the hay in their feeder. Oh no!) and just laid there. Arianna and Sis are on either side of my, about a foot away for both of them, and I thought that there is nothing in the world I'd rather be doing than this. I love what I do and I love my goats. No matter how frustrating it become or how hard it becomes or how cold it becomes or how dang MUDDY it is out there this is what I want to do. Nothing else.
btw does could kid as soon as today!
I'm so sorry to hear that. I'm really sorry they dies and esp quads. I wonder what happened. That's weird about you having the thick colostrum issues this year. :/Stupid kidded quads and they were all dead when I found them. It was a warm sunny day and it had been less than an hour since I last saw her. I think they were either born dead or too weak to get up. It was very disappointing. It was 3 does and a buck kid, high percentage boer kids, one solid red and three traditional- all with long capes and all a different color. It was heartbreaking. Petunia lost her twins, her milk came in in that very think colostrum I seem to having difficulty with this year and I didnt notice they were in trouble until it was too late.
Boy that sounds fun...NOT. I'll more than likely be tagging mine later this week or on the weekend. I'd rather do it young and where their ears aren't so thick.This weekend I got them all weighed and tagged. That was a chore. I would walk out to the field, find one either nursing or close to its mom so I knew who it belonged to. Catch it, carry it uphill 50-100 yards back to the barn. Put it in the bucket, lift the bucket onto the scale, tag it, write everything down and repeat. 23 times. I am sore and tired.