Pearce Pastures
Barn Babe
So sorry Jodie. 

Check craigslist and restaurant auctions for second hand coolers. I was second in line for a free 10x10 walk in on Craigslist. First person took it. Boo on them.jodief100 said:Calm day yesterday. I stopped by to price some used commercial refrigerators. Still out of my price range for the Farmers Market. I am still having difficulty figuring out what licenses I need. Everyone I talk to, including those at the Health Department whose job it is to know tell me something different. No wonder people are discouraged from opening a business; they make it too difficult just to find out what you have to do. My current theory is they make up the rules as they go along and dont document anything properly so that anytime they wish, they can fine you.
It has been cold again, down in single digits at night. When I go up for my bedtime barn check all the goats are snuggled up close. The momma goats look like chickens with all the babies piled around them. It doesnt seem to matter whose baby it is, they all snuggle close. I sometimes go any move them because they look like they will be suffocated but then they get mad at me.
As soon as it warms up I am going to move the bigger ones out to the front field. I dont want to deal with frozen water so I have to wait until we are past the staying below freezing all day stage. Every time I think we have hit our last cold snap, another one comes through.