Lol, wasn't thinking about parasites, was thinking about the pet door into the house and not wanting raccoons or skunks to find their way inside.
I think we can get the new kennel panels set up after work today and see if it will work or need further supplies. Dunno how we are going to roof it yet. Also need to figure out if we are going to cut a hole in the existing door or buy one with the pet door already installed.
I am beyond excited right now!! I checked on the bunnies when I was feeding the rabbits and actually handled them a bit. Their eyes are still closed but they are growing fur, and I have a black bunny!!!!! And I think two blue ones!! I wasn't sure if the parents carried the genes but knew it was a possibility. The bunnies with pink inside the ears should be opals (dilute castor), while the bunnies with darker inside of the ears should be blue (dilute black), last pic.
Having ear problems. My right ear is blocked, can barely hear anything. It's been having issues for a few days and Wednesday night I put in some drops of hydrogen peroxide and distilled vinegar mixture for a few minutes and then drained, and that helped some. Thursday night I did the same but instead of getting better it got worse and the mixture didn't seem to drain out even though I slept with that ear downward. Might go to the doctor today after work.
Ear is fixed!!! Hubby used the Ear RX to irrigate it and flushed out a bunch of wax.
I planted a bunch of flower bulbs along the driveway this morning. We ordered 6 yards of planting dirt to be delivered Monday, we are going to try to create a bunch of raised vegetable beds. I have a bunch of onion starts and garlic to plant, and bought some asparagus roots and two rhubarbs. The plants in the garden are doing ok, except the banana might be getting a little too cold at times. Some of the leaves are looking a little ragged. The avocados seem to be doing ok with the temps.
Tried to take a picture of one of the bunnies last night but the darn thing started wiggling as soon as I grabbed my phone. Prior to that it was sitting as cute as can be in my hand. So I took a picture of Raspberry instead. She is being a great momma. I will get pictures of the kits tonight.
The mulberry cutting is growing! Actually there are two cuttings of the mulberry, and the buds are swelling. I'm hoping that means it's growing some roots too. I put the cuttings in clear cups with the hopes that I could see monitor the root growth. No visible action noted on the other cuttings yet.
Still trying to plant all the seedlings I bought, got 3 potted this morning before work. I think 6-7 are left, I need to buy more pots after work. One of the ones this morning had a teeny tiny new leaf starting. Hopefully it continues to grow now that it's outside instead of in the house.
New bunny pic. Final tally for Raspberry is 1 black, 1 blue, 2 opal, 2 castor. Good momma, really wish I could have shown her, hopefully I can show one of her kits if the pandemic ever ends.