Herd Master
Oh, so good to have you back. And a girl!! Keep us posted. We do like baby (human) pics too!!
Super eacy to do. Freeze the tomatoes, dump frozen tomatoes in sink, cover with water. Skins will slide off. Take frozen tomatoes and use your large heavy kitchen knife to chop them while they are partially frozen. They chop into a partilly frozen tomato slush and you just cook it down. Since they are tomatoes, you don't need to ppressure can - just water bath.I'd like to actually try to can crushed tomatoes or tomato sauce this year
Summer is coming. He can go naked with the potty seat in the back yard. I potty trained all 3 of my boys that way. So much easier than cleaning poop out of pantiesHe is also refusing to poop on the potty. He'll go pee just fine, absolutely refuses to poop except in his pullups. Even bribing with candy gets nothing. It's been months. Hubby is fed up, wants to make him wear underwear so he really feels it, except I don't think it's going to work since he knows exactly when he poops and immediately asks to be changed.
Call the company....or go online.... they will often send a packet to someone that takes the time to call them. Machine packaged, so things happen... I called once about receiving only 1 sunflower seed in a packet... some expensive super sized one... they sent me several packets of different colors...Started some seeds in transplant trays this morning, only had time for one tray before we had to leave for work. Got several types of peppers, including lots of bell peppers for hubby. Some of the seed was from 2023, and one packet was from 2017. Very frustrated that the packet of golden bell peppers i bought Saturday, which was supposed to have 20 seeds, only had 2!! They'd better sprout for being $1.50 each.
Going to get the tomato seeds and more planted in the rest of the trays after work.
Boys often take longer to potty train than girls. It has to do with fine motor coordination. Girls master fine motor coordination at a younger age, boys master large muscle control. I potty trained my 3 boys just before they reached 3 years old. Went really fast at that age. Daughter was potty trained at 2. My grandmother kept saying that DS1 would be in diapers in college. I just laughed and said he could change them himself then.I'm kinda annoyed we took so long to start potty training him.