Latestarter's ramblings/musings/gripes and grumbles.

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Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
Reaction score
NE Texas
You know, I built two chicken mansions...
seriously, they are almost to house construction standards and made two enclosures in each because I thought I'd be buying 4 breeds and would be raising chicks, hatching and selling them etc. Ended up selling hatching eggs instead for almost 5 months, so never got into it myself. Saved me a lot of time and effort as well as mess and clean up. There's a reason for that story...

I really envisioned getting a high quality papered nigie buck (or 3) and several (or a dozen) high quality papered Lamancha does and then breeding high quality mini manchas... Not necessarily all the way through to F6, but just for folks who wanted great milkers of a smaller stature than a full sized goat. I mean I might have followed it down line a little farther over time, who knows, but that's where I wanted to start. I was also intending to get a full papered Lamancha buck as well to breed standard sized, show quality goats. Many folks claim to love Lamanchas, but it has been VERY difficult for me to find more than a scattered few available, quality, breeders...

I made contact with 2 well known show breeders out here: & Talked with both owners several times and due to inadequate communications in both cases (not entirely on my part), never got the goats from them that I wanted to get. It may have been because I revealed to them what I intended to do with the animals I wanted to buy from them as they are "show folks". So I've now learned to :duc (well, maybe not so well). I wanted does from both places to ease the downstream breeding/cross breeding/line breeding issues.

So when I get to my new place, we'll see how much work needs to be done to get it "ready for use", then see if I still want to go that route or just get "some goats" and have fun with it. Not worry about producing/supplying FFA and 4H kids, or showing or any of that. Just have a bunch of goats and leave it at that. We'll see. I'm pretty sure I also mentioned that I'd like to get some meat sheep as well, and some hogs, and who knows what all else...

Fem, if you're south of Houston I wasn't EVEN close! That's a long way from Arkansas! SO now I have to figure out who it is on here that's in Arkansas that breeds Lamanchas... Harumph... Oh well :hu

My biggest tummy acid producer at the moment is the upcoming appraisal... There are ZERO comps for this place... I mean zero. And the fact that I only paid 162K for it in late 2013, would indicate a 57% value increase over 2.5 years. If the buyer is going with a VA or FHA loan, it will be very difficult to "work with" the appraiser to justify the sales price where the offers are written. Even having multiple offers at this price... the appraisers don't care if there are no other comps to justify it.


Herd Master
Nov 22, 2014
Reaction score
East Texas - Near Sulphur Springs
WOW! Alot has happened since I last checked in. I was at the end of my wifi data month & had to conserve on data useage. Verizon switched me to the new month at 11:00 PM. So I'm good to go for another month. Ah, the joys of living out in the country, with limited internet options. :th

I'm glad you finally got in touch with the seller. It sounds promising and exciting. :celebrate I don't envy your cross country move though. I've done too many of those to count, and just thinking about it wears me out. :th i told my dear, sweet daughter, if she wants to make another big move, she is going to pay a moving company to move us, if we are going to follow them again. ;)

Fem, if you're south of Houston I wasn't EVEN close! That's a long way from Arkansas! SO now I have to figure out who it is on here that's in Arkansas that breeds Lamanchas... Harumph... Oh well :hu

I suspect you are thinking of @goatgurl in Arklahoma. She has LaMancha's.

I want to get a couple Dairy goats - and am looking at MiniMancha's too! However, goatgurl has a smaller, sweet LaMancha doe, that she is saving for me, when we are finally ready for her. We aren't planning to do any serious breeding. I just want to milk & freshen the does, so we can keep getting milk.

We have to get our perimeter fence in first though, so we can get our goats out in the woods, to do their job of cleaning up the underbrush, so we can open up our woods.

The fencing is now going to have to wait until Fall. We just can't begin to attempt putting fence in with 100° temps (and 108° heat index :hide ).

If I was 20 years younger breeding might appeal to me. But, these days, we have to conserve our energy for the basics of keeping the homestead going. :old
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Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
:celebrate Got up with seller!!

Now to really look and buy another place. The barn offers a lot of options for use, other than horses.

I can sure relate to the "just goats" statement. Years ago I raised mini-horse, mini-donks, Boer goats -- ALL registered, shown, etc. The paperwork is really important and a lot of work. The hands on breeding, promotion, etc. At that time I loved it, had the patience to do it and so on. Now, well most days I'd prefer to hug them, feed, milk, collect eggs, etc. The relaxation factor -- and a lot of :old yes, ageing. I have THE best full sized Saanen, not registered, and love her! Have reg mini-nubs, love them. yep, while I see/know the good/bad of each type I just am not into the "improving the breed" mode anymore. Yes, quality animals, often from registered stock! I find chickens are smaller and a little more forgiving with their "needs".....and the hatching eggs are a nice way to pay for their feed. I'm working on that now with some lines.:) Plus, shorter time for "results" of efforts. Not the pressure of GOTTA have customers.

Sounds like we are both in the "wanna JUST enjoy my little farm" stages. Not a bad place to be!

Can't wait until you get you contracts ferreted out!!!! All you need now is a "pay cash" deal.....:ep


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Your hen haciendas look nice enough to move into! I also am a member of the "just want to enjoy my animals" group. Just a hint, if you want to enjoy your chickens even more, give 'em a dirt floor. You don't have to constantly clean the floor, you can go deep litter with a variety of materials, it makes lovely compost, the hens absolutely love it and you only dig it out a few times a year. For starters, just wire in one of those nice horse stalls!


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
Reaction score
NE Texas
Thank you @Devonviolet it is/was @goatgurl I was thinking of! :) Bay, I had actually thought of doing just that with a horse stall. Another gent from VT, @Bruce has done that with a stall in his barn. Since I don't do/have horses that would give them a pretty huge indoor run area as well, though the thought of the barn center isle getting covered in poop isn't all that attractive...

Thanks Mini Horses I'm sure there are a lot of folks in "maintain" mode. Just a lot less work and more relaxing and enjoying what was worked so hard to get to.


Herd Master
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
Anderson, CA
Sounds like you are on your way to a new adventure and that is just really exciting. I am so happy to hear things are working out and I am looking forward to a report on the place in TX.

About FHA... we just refinanced our home with FHA and although I had heard horror stories it was really super easy. We had a horrible time trying to get it done with a conventional loan because of the manufactured home/5 acres/Schedule F on our taxes. But we had tried FHA with a different lender and got all depends on the underwriter. It took us about a month.

Mike CHS

Herd Master
Mar 18, 2013
Reaction score
Southern Middle TN
You do sound like you have given everything a bunch of thought.

For us this will still be a fairly easy season because we have reached the point after over 3 years of labor, we want to enjoy life for a bit. The sheep are "dog broke" since we still need to finish training the Border Collie. We will only have the 5 acre paddock fenced off so he won't have to work too hard. We took the day off today and went fishing. :)

The humidity was through the roof but we had fun anyway.

Fishing2 7 Aug 2016.jpg
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