Latestarter's ramblings/musings/gripes and grumbles.

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Ferguson K

Herd Master
Aug 3, 2015
Reaction score
There are several people in the area that raise lamancha around me within an hour's Drive. I can help you look around, as I've come in contact with a few of them over the last year.

As far as the new house goes when you do get moved into it and or come down to look at it it would be really nice if we made an excuse to come up there and say hi. It would be nice to see Bay again anyway. It would give John and I an excuse to come say hello to her and her husband.


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
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NE Texas
Holy moly Mike! That's one serious mess of fish! I'm sure catching those was fun! Eating them ought to be fun too! There are supposed to be bass, crappie/brim, and cats in the pond on the property I'll be looking at. I asked if it was spring fed and he said no, its all run-off, but even during that horrendous drought TX had, it never went dry. He also stated that there are several other spots that could hold ponds. We'll see...

:lol::gig Mini Horses I built those hen haciendas and believe it or not, several home viewers have asked me if I'm taking them with... :ep I drop jaw and stare at them and say those things are permanent.. Would take a bulldozer to knock them down or a cat 4 tornado or some such. No way I'm moving them! Many also ask if the lawn tractor goes with and I say it's "all" negotiable and the tractor can go but the Harley can't. ;)

I really look forward to meeting the entire TX contingent, but I'm really doubtful that I can make that happen on this trip. I'll be leaving either tomorrow night or Tuesday and hope to look at multiple properties while there, then turn around and drive back. It's a 14-15 hour drive each way and I'll go straight through there, then straight through back. I hope to get a couple hours sleep at some point while there, but don't even know if that will happen. If I decide to write a contract on one, I'll need a RE lawyer for the FSBO or a REA if one of the others meets the cut. If the property is right, I expect to have an offer to present before I leave to return here.

I really hope it all falls into place as I don't want to have to turn right around and head to KY...


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Oh you are NOT going to Kentucky!! :smack

Today is the day you take an offer on your house. :caf Waiting. On. News.

On the contract, look up title companies and call them. I think they can do the preliminary paperwork for you. When we sold our house in Livingston, we just used the title company. We sold our house with no contract, no earnest money, just a handshake. :th But I do believe the title company can take care of it for you.


Herd Master
Nov 22, 2014
Reaction score
East Texas - Near Sulphur Springs
Oh you are NOT going to Kentucky!! :smack

Today is the day you take an offer on your house. :caf Waiting. On. News.

On the contract, look up title companies and call them. I think they can do the preliminary paperwork for you. When we sold our house in Livingston, we just used the title company. We sold our house with no contract, no earnest money, just a handshake. :th But I do believe the title company can take care of it for you.
I'm with Bay, on all counts! NO, you are not allowed to go to KY! :smack :gig you have already gotten our hopes up, promising to move to TX. :lol:

We sold our condo in PA, (word of mouth buyer [sister of a friend], no realtor, cash sale), before we moved to TX. We called a local title company, & they handled closing for both us and the buyer. It went really slick, with minimal fees. We chose a 6 week closing time frame. But, they could have done it much faster. Our Hopkins County, TX title company did an amazing job as well.
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