Latestarter's ramblings/musings/gripes and grumbles.

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Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
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NE Texas
OK, update. Spoke with a REA in TX about a property he had listed that is no longer on the market.,28.758028,-103.447266_rect/6_zm/1_rs/1_fr/
I had Emailed him about it back in April and he answered me straight away. Anyway, wanted to ask him what happened with the property and I guess the folks would not come down on the price. I asked if he could contact them and see if they would show it to me while I'm there. He did, and they will, and I have their contact info and they have mine. I will visit there the same day as I visit the other primary FSBO property. They are no more than maybe 10 miles from each other. There is a less desirable (but substantially smaller and less expensive) fall back property I can also look at a little further east and south.

He will represent me and handle all paperwork/contracts/closing /inspections/etc. on the FSBO for 1.5% of sales price, to which I agreed. He would technically be entitled to a full commission should I buy the above property since it's been less than 90 days and I contacted them through him. But he said perhaps he can work something out for less to give them room to come down a bit more as I'd be looking at 150-155 and they don't want to come down from like 169 (or maybe it was 165.9K when they ended the listing, can't recall). Either way, I have 2 nice properties to look at while there. Either would work and each has there own pluses and minuses. I'll probably run on here and spell them all out when I get back.

When I told the REA I needed a property that would allow me to shoot my high powered rifles, he said damned right! You need to get yourself down here! We have just the place for you! He also told me there are some monster bucks back in the wildlife area the primary property backs up to. :celebrate

OK, so I still don't know when I'm leaving here, so no idea when I'll be arriving there, but HOPE to leave tonight and be there tomorrow. (have my doubts on that) I now have another showing sched for this evening ~6pm... @Ferguson K stated she and her DH would like to come north to visit Bay again while I'm there but since I have no idea exactly when that will be, we might have to wait to meet until I'm moved down there. Might be too hard to arrange time off from work etc. this trip. I do however look forward to meeting you guys at some point soon! I'll also want to discuss those Lamancha breeders you know!! Thank you!

I guess the places I'll be looking at are going to be closer to where @Devonviolet and her DH lives. Like an hour or so away... And I guess @Baymule lives a further hour or so south of them... Once I have a basic idea of when I'll be there, is there any way Bay, that you could come north with your DH to meet DV and her DH and I meet up with all of you? Maybe a restaurant in the Sulpher Springs area? For a late lunch or early dinner? I don't know how much lead time you need as you have animals too. Sorry this is such a cluster... I'm doing the best I can with what I know.

OK... I need to go do an oil and filter change on the truck in prep for this road trip. Back later with any updates!


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
Reaction score
NE Texas
Just spoke with my REA... there are right now FIVE... yes FIVE... offers with 2 more supposed to be delivered within hours, and as stated, another showing this evening, which I may cancel. I never expected 7 offers. amazing....
Right now, it looks like the highest offer is @265K (listed @240K, also the lowest offer. NO low balls!) :ep:thHe's gonna come by here to present them around 4-4:30. If there's one above the rest, then tonight's showing will go away, and I'll be either signing or countering. Oil change is done, now to go get a quick lube for the truck and I'll be ready to hit the road. Gas tank is already full!

This is amazing and exciting and scary as all hell! REA says he feels good about the appraisal coming in, aside from the 7 offers. :fl

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
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S coastal VA
I'm just SOOOO excited for you. REA for 20+ yrs....your agent knows the appraisers and properties to compare.

I sure hope you remembered to pack a few things to take on this trip :rolleyes:I know you have been busy, busy, busy! :lol:

Pillow & blankie in truck, in case a truck stop nap is all you have time for. Bottles of water, cooler, snacks/sandwiches. I can TELL this will be a crunch trip!


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
Reaction score
NE Texas
OK, went through 7 offers, one being a last minute upgraded offer from the first folks who submitted the deadline.

The highest offer when my REA got here was the 265K offer. Turns out that offer was submitted sight unseen by the people who showed up right after him, to see the property. I gave them the tour and at the end they said they really hoped I would consider their offer as it was submitted 10% higher than the asking price (the $265k offer was theirs). After they left, my REA informed me that while I was walking them around, the very first folks who offered, submitted a new offer at $275K SOLD!
I'm really glad that she got the place :clap Super nice young lady with a horse needing a place they could call their own. Dad has her and the horse at his place right now and the neighbors are NOT happy about it. They will pay up to $2500 above appraised value up to offer price. Closing on/about 9/22. Possession 48 hours after close. My REA will Email what I need to sign shortly and thereafter, I'll be on the road.

Headed to TX! Be there tomorrow afternoon. So I'll be away from the site till later in the week. Hope to bring back great news!
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