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- #361
Livinwright Farm
Goat Fancier
Thank you all for your thoughts & prayers.
We request that you keep praying for Cali, for a quick & full healing.
At approximately 2:25am EST, the roughly 4-5 lb single buckling was retrieved from Cali... still born
. MUCH thanks to the Plymouth, NH Animal Hospital staff!! There might have been a chance for a live birth if we had driven her there as soon as I noticed the lack of ligs... but there is no point in thinking about the shoulda/coulda/wouldas. Cali is currently recuperating in my Dad's enclosed trailer. And we have 5 syringes of antibiotics for her for the next 5 days.
Thank you to Emily(Elevan) for doing everything you did in talking us through it all.
The little buckling appeared to be a very lightly broken chamoise(chamoise with a small white star top center of his head & a couple little spots on his right side) He would have been a beautiful little buck, I am sure. Should Cali survive this trauma, and continue growing properly... we MIGHT consider breeding her to a LITTLE Pygmy buck... to ensure SMALL kids... sometime in the future, but definitely NO time soon.
We request that you keep praying for Cali, for a quick & full healing.
At approximately 2:25am EST, the roughly 4-5 lb single buckling was retrieved from Cali... still born

Thank you to Emily(Elevan) for doing everything you did in talking us through it all.

The little buckling appeared to be a very lightly broken chamoise(chamoise with a small white star top center of his head & a couple little spots on his right side) He would have been a beautiful little buck, I am sure. Should Cali survive this trauma, and continue growing properly... we MIGHT consider breeding her to a LITTLE Pygmy buck... to ensure SMALL kids... sometime in the future, but definitely NO time soon.