I'm so sorry that what should have been wonderful was so traumatic for all of you. Love up that poor little doe and have a good cry....I know the panic and the wrenching of the gut well.....and the fear as the next due date approaches.
Our friends and family often don't understand the depth of feeling we have for our goaties, but everyone here on byh sure does.
I've been checking in everyday to see how Cali's doing and I'm terribly sorry to hear about her horrible delivery. Sending to you and Cali and hope she makes a full recovery.
First, we want to thank you all for praying for Cali.
We are quite sad to report that Cali lost her fight for life today.
The trauma of it all was just too much for her young little body to overcome.
Now we need to find a place that can deal with her remains, as we have no place/way to bury her.
VERY special thanks to Emily(Elevan)... your advice/help was exactly what the vet said & did, it's just that none of us had hands small enough to really get in there. I(Jaqui) wish we lived closer so that I could give you a big thank you hug.. but this is the best I can do: