So here are the results after running with ram for 112days (June 7th - Sept 27th)....
Painted Peggy LPH04 is not pregnant and LPH21 Hattie is marked as a recheck. That works out as 44% (4/9) of ewes are tested/ obvious pregnant, 11% (1/9) open, and 44% (4/9) not tested/not obviously pregnant.
Is Mr Snickers doing his job? Not sure what I should do with Mocha, Blaze, and Dottie that didn't get checked. Try doing the pee strips? It's worked out as $28 / ewe tested between vet, shipping, and actual testing cost. So not sure about doing more testing...
So in June, Mr Romance suddenly went after the ewes. He bred 6 ewes until his tongue was hanging out.
In August he bred 3 ewes, in September he bred one of those twice.
Right now he has 14 ewes, 10 or 11 are bred.
When you figure it out, who is, who isn’t, is he fertile or shooting blanks for the fun of it, would you please let me know?
2 of the ewes bred in June went to a neighbor.
Pee strips probably work as good as anything and are a lot cheaper.
Aria was actually cuddly today. Babies soon I need to move the tall 4"x4" section of fencing to north pen with gap to feed from outside. And finish my fixes to the north pen then I will let Snickers back with his ladies.
South Pen: Larger, dryer inside barn with smaller outdoor area
Aria, Mocha, Oreo, LPH07 Shy Lady, LPH21 Hattie, LPH29 Misty
North Pen: Smaller, wetter inside area with larger outdoor area Snickers, LPH04 Peggy, LPH16 Blaze, and LPH19 Dottie, Panda
June 7 through September 27 - hottest part of year. Rams should be fertile BUT, in the heat, sometimes they are lazy. Have you tried using a mating harness and crayons to see when the ewes are marked? Change the crayon color every 2 weeks and check for rebreeding. If one ewe is getting remarked every couple weeks while the other settle, it will be the ewe who may have something wrong. Do you have a backup ram? If not, just put Snickers back in with them. If you have a marking harness and crayons, put it on and see what happens. I wouldn't pay $28/ewe to do pregnancy checks or worry about pee strips. If he was fertile enough to breed half the herd already, he will get the other half now. I don't worry about pregnancy testing; I use a mating harness and crayons to determine when they are bred. By changing the crayon color every 2 weeks and checking very morning for new marks, you will see if the ewes are getting bred. I change crayons and leave the ram in until no one gets remarked for 3 weeks. You might want to keep a ram lamb next year for a backup ram lamb just in case.