Working on ranch all day. General cleaning and redoing water supply. We hit 80F today and it's still February!
1/2" black irrigation line w reflectix insulation wrapped around. It will prevent extra heat from black tube in direct sun issue. Might help in fall as well.
So tired. Got water line done past center divider. Snickers, Panda, and Aria were moved to that side (south). Ladies are in north pen and ate just fine. Hera on other hand did not want to go in pen to eat.
Ear tags came in and the 1.5 size seems much better suited. So tagging, blood sample, CDT, and banding Righty is on tomorrows list. 2302 Cinnamon will get a second CDT jab and blood draw.
Ugh, back bugging me and I can't sleep. One other "fun" issue cropped up yesterday. Hattie LPH21 has diarrhea. Apparently my septic spray line is broken and the sheep drank from the puddles.
Plan is to keep sheep off that section. Hattie will get a good squirt of probios gel. I will clean her butt /tail and hit it with a spray of the screwworm/ fly spray. Just in case there are fly eggs on her already.
I’m excited too! Frimplepants ewe is second generation recordable. So her lambs will be third generation and eligible for full registration. I hope she has beautiful lambs for you! No tell What she will throw, she has plenty of color genetics.
We can do a ram swap too when it’s time for you to get another one. I have 3 rams, one is son of Ringo. You can pick the ram and what ewe you want bred to.
Hattie's tail has been washed off and treated against flystrike. She also got a big squirt of Probios.
Tagging and CDT lambs was a crazy rodeo. A couple tags got placed in wrong sheep. I THINK I have records straight. I will triple check before last of blue crayon wears off. No lambs had blood cards drawn. I failed miserably at getting blood on first pair so stopped.