It is much less stressful but i keep forgetting its our house now still half expecting the landlords to show up and tell us we have to move.
Surprisingly the water in the barrels so far does not freeze. For comparasion yesterday the goat/sheep water barrel was frozen almost is half of a 55gal poly barrel....the poly barrels in the barn/workshop has a very slight ice crust like enough i could touch it with my hand and break it. The water on the floor from the ducks also hasnt been frozen yet. Over night was 14f and high today is 17f so we shall see how it fares. This winter is not suppose to be to bad, fairly mild so we might get away with it.
In other news my mushroom project is going like gangbusters!
Sometimes we get a week of 20F weather and I carry boiling water to pour in the chicken and sheep water tubs/buckets. The horse tank I just smack with a shovel.
You and your husband butcher your own hogs, don't you? Could you go visit a thread of a new member who is going to be butchering his own pigs soon? I am sure you will have something valuable to add to the posts.
DH tried to break out the goat/sheep water last night in the dark...with a luck. I told him but he did not realize what i ment when i told him the waterer was frozen solid the day before. He is going to have to do it today in the daylight and flip the waterer to get the ice chunk out. Last night was way colder then they forecasted, water was freezing on the water buckets almost instantly. The water in the barn/shop in the poly barrels had a thicker ice crust but was breakable pretty easily with a 5gal bucket, the ducks water also had a good crust. DH said it was in the negative temps and that was around 6pm.
We did finally get the back side of the goat/sheep sheep shed closed in and put sheet metal over one side of the front of the shed to narrow the opening. We also put down two fresh bales of bedding so hopefully they stayed warm. DH wants to put one more sheet of metal on the other side of the front to reduce the door more, luckily that is the side that faces south though.
Yes @Baymule we butcher our own, pretty much everything. I will go take a look.
DH finally got some mushroom spawn into grain jars to colonize so his experiment is 10 days behind mine exactly. Mine are only oyster, he is trying his shiitake and oyster.
lol yes, it was cold for us too because we have had such a mild and long fall so far. The actual temps last night was 8F...with windchill it was -12 to -20F. Last weeks average overnight temp was 25F so quite a drop for us. Tonight will be about the same with less wind though, the rest of the week a tad warmer keeping in the mid 20s for day temps and teens overnight, then next week will warm back up to mostly 30s. Least thats what it says atm and we all know how that goes. Yesterdays forecasted temp was 17F it was actually 25F.
I've been playing on the computer waiting on it to warm up. LOL LOL I am RETIRED. I don't HAVE to go out before the butt crack of dawn to get things done, nor do I have to come home after work and go out with a flashlight. I did it many years, it feels good to take my sweet time.