Misfitmorgan's Journal - That Summer Dust


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
Reaction score
Wstrn Cent Florida
That is a really nice barn....and the animals are really nice, is Isaac a full-blood doberman? In some of the pics he appears to have some bluish-silver in it like a weimaraner...could just be the angle of light, but just thought it interesting enough to ask. It also looks like ya have a fairly good sized garden too. Ya have a realy nice place there...just a bit to far north for my taste...:)


Herd Master
Feb 26, 2016
Reaction score
Northern Lower Michigan
That is a really nice barn....and the animals are really nice, is Isaac a full-blood doberman? In some of the pics he appears to have some bluish-silver in it like a weimaraner...could just be the angle of light, but just thought it interesting enough to ask. It also looks like ya have a fairly good sized garden too. Ya have a realy nice place there...just a bit to far north for my taste...:)

Way far north for my tastes lol. My family is here and esp now i need to stay around. I'm glad you like our farm, we like it a lot.

The garden area is actually 2 acres split into three sections and we plant 1.5 sections and spread the barn manure on the fallow side then switch next year. The soil is almost 100% clay so we are conditioning it so stuff might actually grow like it should lol.

Issac is a purebred Doberman, he is a blue and tan dobie which most people dont know exist it seems. Dobie's come in 4 colors, black and tan, blue and tan(dilute black), red and tan, fawn and tan (dilute red).....there also exists white/albino looking dobies and black/melanistic dobies but they're NOT encouraged to be bred because of being extra sensitive to sunlight and a higher risk of tumors as well as behavior problems and health issues in the Albinos and the melinistic dobies are not encouraged to be bred because they are not reconized as a color by the standard.

Personally i would bred any color but white/albino, the only reason melanistic isnt reconsidered is because they are not enough of them to make a color yet. Anyhow Lots of people think he is a weimaraner because he is a european style dobie so he has a larger head and thicker neck then american dobies which makes him look like a weimaraner, the blue color doesnt help though :lol:


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
Reaction score
Wstrn Cent Florida
Well, I had to ask, but he did appear to be pure to me, and I wasn't aware of the color variance, thanks....he is beautiful either way. :)


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Wow.... I am impressed by your barn! I love it! :love It makes my 36'x36' barn look like an outhouse. You have a nice place and that is a fabulous pic of your husband.....so photogenic! :lol: Your Dobie is a handsome boy!


Herd Master
Feb 26, 2016
Reaction score
Northern Lower Michigan
Well, I had to ask, but he did appear to be pure to me, and I wasn't aware of the color variance, thanks....he is beautiful either way. :)

No problem, we love him a lot. I had no clue dobies came in any color except black/tan until i meet DH. We would like to get a red and rust female but i dunno if i wanna breed dogs i do however want a red and rust and a fawn some day lol.

Wow.... I am impressed by your barn! I love it! :love It makes my 36'x36' barn look like an outhouse. You have a nice place and that is a fabulous pic of your husband.....so photogenic! :lol: Your Dobie is a handsome boy!

Thanks Baymule! The livestock portion of the barn is 40'x50' then the drivethru for putting hay in the loft and then the leanto thingy they build on the end there, i think the overall footprint is around 40'x80', we also have a 2 car garage with a machine shop attached to the back of it, a guest house, and a grainery but that being said i would rather have your 36'x36' barn because it isnt full of someone elses junk. All the buildings need major work except really the barn and it does need a new cement floor poured in the livestock area. DH hates his pic taken!
Here are some pics of what we need to clean up...if the finance guy ever lets us know if we are getting financed or not.


The fanning mill(red thing in the middle), ridgid drill and grain bin are ours the rest all belongs to the current owners. We did get the trailer pulled out since the photos(thats the yellow thing on the ground) This is the machine shed the right hand wall frost heaved. The plan is to build a tempary header/support inside,cut the wall loose on that side, raise that side to get the door off, then dig out the cement lower portion, then slowly slowly pull the wall back in and pour a new cement section with re-bar, reattached the wall and rehang the door, put in two more roof trusses, then re-hang the door after a bit of repair to the bottom corner.

This is the front side of that same building.

The grain wagon and the manure spreader are ours, the black plastic is a failed temporary tarp, the green is a military tarp. Yes the grain wagon has a flat tire in the pic lol. Need to put a new piece of tin on the front left corner of the roof, and two new facia boards otherwise the roof is in good shape, doesnt leak etc.

The plastic cover for the trailblazer tailgate is ours.

This is the side we had started clearing before they told us to stop.

That brown fake wood thing on the left with the old screen doors on top is a big pen i made out of old closet doors and other random doors they had laying around, it came out pretty nice and is approx 6'x6'. We put the chicks we hatch out there to grown big enough for a coop.

This is the backwall that separates the garage and machine shed. There is a large sliding door in the wall, large enough to drive a car or tractor thru...but it would need the concrete leveled first.


Herd Master
Feb 26, 2016
Reaction score
Northern Lower Michigan
Round 2 lol
This is the guest house, it suffered fire damage and they just left it.

The big opening here actually had a sliding glass door in it. The whole building had wood siding. This was the original farmhouse that someone redid the inside of in the early 2000s and they messed up the wiring i guess because that caused the fire. The brown/tan door is the bathroom. The building on the right you can see on the edge of the picture is a addition to a building that we brought here to be set on a foundation and finished off but then the guy with the equipment inherited 380k and lost his mind pretty much, so there it sits until we figure out how to move it and put it on a foundation.

Plans for this are lift the building, put in new floor joists on the right side because they are shot, gut most of the inside on the right side, re-do the wiring, lay new sub floor, fix the end wall, put in french doors, re-finish the inside then put in new windows. We shall see. We only want it so my niece can visit, she has CF and since we use wood to heat our house she can never stay at my house but her siblings get too...not fair.

This is the grainery. We had someone come vandilize the place when we were fixing it up, they broke the window in the door....as well as many others and the toilet, mirrors in the house, windows in the house....general jerk-ish stuff.

This building isnt to bad. The floor by the door needs a bit of work and that one piece of facia/soffit needs repair, as well as the door needing to be re-set so it closes properly. Really its in the best shape of the out buildings. The windows are ours we put a couple in the house, the rest have been put away to be windows in the guest house. Shhh....Issac is hunting a wabbit.... :lol:

All the junk laying around is the current owners with a very few things being ours.
This is whats in the lean-to on the end of the barn. The trailer to the right is our chicken coop with its original yard. The bales of hay/straw laying outside are from inside the barn loft. Most of those bales have now been plowed into the garden.

Round bales of straw are ours, some of the rabbit cages are ours, vinyl fence panels are ours and the hay wagon full of hay is ours. We cleaned out one of the 3 "stalls" so we could use it and we cleaned out part of the stall where the straw is. We were told to stop cleaning again.

Property owners random piles of junk
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NH homesteader

Herd Master
Jul 9, 2016
Reaction score
New Hampshire
Wow you have a lot of work to do (those people are disasters huh), but it is an amazing piece of property with a lot of potential. It'll look amazing once you're able to do what you want to do with it! How is the buying process going? Still stuck waiting?


Herd Master
Feb 26, 2016
Reaction score
Northern Lower Michigan
More junk piles




There was/is also the pile of trash they tried to bury, a pile of old fence posts with barbwire still attached and piles of old round bales. Most things that burn we have burned as long as they allowed us too. There is also the problem of the never ending plastic twine that seems to grow out of the ground like weeds and the buried electric fence wire. These pictures are after approx 3-4 months of clean up already. We have gotten rid of more stuff since these pictures, cleaned out half of the garage, got some scrap hauled off etc. But it still needs a lot of work and the owners dont want us throwing things away or burning them...because they are "valuable"....:he

Remember the yellow trailer in the pictures of the machine shed. They keep trying to sell it to us. It needs new paint, a new deck, new wiring, new tires, new brakes, new lights, and a plate....so basically it is a trailer frame only...they only want $600 for it :smack:idunno We keep telling them no thank you we are not interested.

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