NH homesteader
Herd Master
Mississippi style sounds an awful lot like New Hampshire style, just ask my husband lol.
My opinion (unasked for) with regard to the original house:
Don't try to "fix" it. Take it down and start from scratch, use what materials you salvaged from it where possible. Otherwise you will spend a ton of time (and money) trying to straighten it up and get it on a decent foundation and STILL end up with a building that has structural issues and smells like burned wood.
Pretty amazing they don't want you to clean up all that crap. Free labor! Even if they tell you not to get rid of anything, you could move it all to one pile, even sorted (metal here, plastic there, 100 miles of hotwire pulled out of the fields to save your brush hog there, definite junk over there, stuff that could be used/sold over there ...) so when you do own the place they can take all their "valuables" away, have a scrap metal company buy what they can use, hold a "anything over there is free" weekend and then get a 600 yarddumpster for the rest.
Good luck!!!!!!!!!!
And when it all gets overwhelming![]()
I'm sorry for what I'm about to say....but, after all they have tried to pull on ya, the only thing I would be offering to them is the Ashes of anything I thought they might have wanted after I piled them up and Burned them. I wouldn't waste my breath and energy sorting anything for them....and if I got the loan, paid them off I wouldn't allow them back on My property to remove a damn thing...if all I did was burn it. When pushed I can be very vindictive, and in my book of definitions they have gone beyond "Pushing" ya....heck, after reading your posts, and I was able, I'd gladly come up and assist ya for Free....course it would be "Mississippi Style".
Well, since I have in-laws up that way, I'm familiar with the average "Attitude" that many display. As far as "Mississippi Style" goes, ya invite them over and when they pull up ya light the match...having already soaked it with kerosene or diesel fuel...making sure the treasured pcs are in plain view, as ya smile and wave....![]()
I'm sorry you have to deal with that. On top of everything else.
I've found the same with people here. My husband helps people all the time and we only have one or two people we can count on in return. I don't count favors or keep track per se but it's blatantly obvious. We have one guy we know who spells out his terms (quid pro quo? Lol) ahead of time.