Misfitmorgan's Journal - That Summer Dust


Herd Master
Feb 26, 2016
Reaction score
Northern Lower Michigan
My opinion (unasked for ;) ) with regard to the original house:
Don't try to "fix" it. Take it down and start from scratch, use what materials you salvaged from it where possible. Otherwise you will spend a ton of time (and money) trying to straighten it up and get it on a decent foundation and STILL end up with a building that has structural issues and smells like burned wood.

Pretty amazing they don't want you to clean up all that crap. Free labor! Even if they tell you not to get rid of anything, you could move it all to one pile, even sorted (metal here, plastic there, 100 miles of hotwire pulled out of the fields to save your brush hog there, definite junk over there, stuff that could be used/sold over there ...) so when you do own the place they can take all their "valuables" away, have a scrap metal company buy what they can use, hold a "anything over there is free" weekend and then get a 600 yard ;) dumpster for the rest.

Good luck!!!!!!!!!!
And when it all gets overwhelming :hugs:hugs:hugs

We did think about that but atm it looks like fixing the original house would cost less because it is already tied into the septic, drain field, and water supply. We would also not have to get a bunch of extra permits like we would with new construction. The county see's fixing an existing building as re-modeling so the permit is much easier to get and doesnt require a bunch of extra stuff. If we demolished and wanted to put a new guest house we would have to get a bunch of inspections done like making sure it is far enough from other buildings, well tested, septic tested to see if it could handle the extra capacity needed, and drain field inspection, inspection for the propane line, DEQ inspection, inspection to make sure we are not somehow building on a wetland or protected area. Remodel only requires a electric and plumbing inspection which we would also need if we built new. The new price for a building approx the same size without counting the inspections and permits would be around 12-15k, to fix this one it should be around 5-6k. Everything on the left side of the building is still fine minus were the window was broken by the fire crew. The only rafter that need to be replaced in the gable one. So lift the little house, replace the last 6 floor joists, new sub floor, lower the house, replace windows and doors, fix sheeting and siding on the one end, then remodel the inside. DH can lift the little house, he has jacked and moved houses before. If we discover more problems when we lift the house then we can check cost of fixing it vs new built. It is only ment to be a guest house so it doesnt need to be perfect and is on a good foundation atm far as we know. I did orginally want to build new but when i compared the numbers i would rather do it for 5-6k then 12-15k lol.

We did clean up a lot of it and made separate piles but some of it they wont let us move. The boats, the old farm implements, piles of rotten books, etc. We have a scrap pile which is in one of the pics but it was way bigger before the pic and is almost gone now, we made a pile of tires, stuff that burns....that we burned lol..shhh, barbwire and electric fence wire went in the scrap pile, we made a hay pile to be mixed in with the compost for the garden which will all be screened eventually, we still have a pile of old fence posts that havnt made it onto the burn pile yet. We mowed/brush hogged between all the implements and moved them closer together.

I can't even tell you how many entire rolls of electric fence wire DH found with the brush hog, i was completely dumbfounded by it. If it touched the ground it stayed there...period, didnt matter what it was worth or not. There have so far been 3 dumpsters of stuff hauled off 2 20 yard dumpsters and a 4 yard dumpster. I think these people are hoarders and just cant let go of stuff. The house was packed full with just little trails when we first saw it. All this stuff and they only lived there for approx 10yrs.

I'm sorry for what I'm about to say....but, after all they have tried to pull on ya, the only thing I would be offering to them is the Ashes of anything I thought they might have wanted after I piled them up and Burned them. I wouldn't waste my breath and energy sorting anything for them....and if I got the loan, paid them off I wouldn't allow them back on My property to remove a damn thing...if all I did was burn it. When pushed I can be very vindictive, and in my book of definitions they have gone beyond "Pushing" ya....heck, after reading your posts, and I was able, I'd gladly come up and assist ya for Free....course it would be "Mississippi Style".

That's what DH said as soon as the papers are signed he is telling them where to go and to not step foot on the property again or we will call the cops. I think legally we have to give them 30 days though, i'm not sure. I'm not sure what mississippi style is? DH wants to dig a hole out back and just pack the junk in there, i told him no cause then for the next 20years it is gonna be sprouting out just like the stupid plastic twine. I swear we pick it all up and it just re-grows again. We have picked up the pasture about 12 times now and there still is always more. I think these people just threw the whole bale out for the livestock and never took off the twine or picked it up, we have hauled literally 12 wheelbarrows full of twine and trash out of the pasture. We might drop a piece or two of twine now and then but we pick it up when we see it and we use sisal twine. I'm ranting...sorry lol.


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
Reaction score
Wstrn Cent Florida
Well, since I have in-laws up that way, I'm familiar with the average "Attitude" that many display. As far as "Mississippi Style" goes, ya invite them over and when they pull up ya light the match...having already soaked it with kerosene or diesel fuel...making sure the treasured pcs are in plain view, as ya smile and wave....:)


Herd Master
Feb 26, 2016
Reaction score
Northern Lower Michigan
Well, since I have in-laws up that way, I'm familiar with the average "Attitude" that many display. As far as "Mississippi Style" goes, ya invite them over and when they pull up ya light the match...having already soaked it with kerosene or diesel fuel...making sure the treasured pcs are in plain view, as ya smile and wave....:)

I'm not to fond of northern people, its seems their only goals for most of them is what can i get , how can i screw over the next guy, or whats in it for me? We help people all the time for free and still keep getting the short end of the stick.

Speaking of helping...i have begrudgingly agreed to house and care for my late brothers dogs for a month while my sister-in-law moves almost 3 hours away...at the last minute. I told her she is gonna have to pay up front for the dog food though. So this weekend we have to find a trailer to borrow, go take down her chain link fence panels, load them up and take them to the farm to make a run for her dogs so we can let them outside when they need to potty. They dont stay in the yard worth a hill of beans and i dont have room for 3 chains and cant put pickets in the ground atm cause its frozen from 3 inches down. Last time i had them i started training them with the sportdog collar so i could use the recall beep but they were only here a week and i assume they forgot it by now. So we will have 7 dogs..for a month...this should be fun.

NH homesteader

Herd Master
Jul 9, 2016
Reaction score
New Hampshire
I'm sorry you have to deal with that. On top of everything else.

I've found the same with people here. My husband helps people all the time and we only have one or two people we can count on in return. I don't count favors or keep track per se but it's blatantly obvious. We have one guy we know who spells out his terms (quid pro quo? Lol) ahead of time.


Herd Master
Feb 26, 2016
Reaction score
Northern Lower Michigan
I'm sorry you have to deal with that. On top of everything else.

I've found the same with people here. My husband helps people all the time and we only have one or two people we can count on in return. I don't count favors or keep track per se but it's blatantly obvious. We have one guy we know who spells out his terms (quid pro quo? Lol) ahead of time.

Same with us, we are not over here with a tally board or anything and DH says you dont keep track of who owns who with your friends but yeah it is stupid obvious too. Like one of DH best friends came and helped with hay this summer for 6hrs and took home a rack of alfalfa hay worth about $700 and said "Oh i didnt know you wanted more help then that one day, for the hay...." :somad Can i keep my pigs in your barn for a month or two while i build a pen/shelter for them?.....Sure! Over a year later...Your pigs are still in our barn and your about $200 behind on feed atm. It's been 4 months since you cleaned your pigs stall....i figured you were cleaning it weekly since i helped clean the barn last time.:he etc...etc...etc.


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
Reaction score
Wstrn Cent Florida
Been there and Done that.....when I had the 1st heart attack I found out that my "Definitions" and the ones used by others, tho the same words, definitely had different definitions. Then I realized that the communication and "Love and Care" was just a one-way street. Nobody called to check on me, try to visit me, or even sent any money to help pay a bill or 2 with none coming in for about 3 months. I intentionally did not call any, just to see how long it would be before they cared enough to call...none did, not family or friends. So, then I began marking them off my "List". I have done a few things here and there, just because that is who I am, but I have the 2 oldest daughters, my sister, and many that used to be called friends that I haven't talked to since '12, when Mom died. About the only contact me and my sister have is dealing with Dad's situation. I won't even start about the in-laws, but suffice it to say...I wouldn't cross the street and P**s on them if they were on fire. Blood and family used to matter to me, but no more. I communicate right here with y'all and would help ya out, before I would lift a finger to help any of the others...even family. Didn't mean to vent on your Journal, but just so ya know ya aren't the only one. As far as the pigs go, if I was in your shoes I'd have sent them to freezer camp and said I thought it was for the lack of Payment for food and upkeep....:)


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Looking beyond all the crap piles, that is a beautiful place. And I am still in love with the barn. Those people sound like a bunch of wackos and I definitely would check out how long you have to suffer their presence after signing the papers that say the place doesn't belong to them anymore. I wouldn't give them a minute longer than I absolutely had to.

Why haven't you put those freeloader pigs in YOUR freezer?

Hope you get good news on the finance NOW-so you can move forward on getting that place cleaned up.

Just had a thought.....these yahoos might want to bring other people on YOUR property to show some of that "valuable" crap in order to sell it......ya' might want to put it in the final papers that no one is allowed on your property except them--to load their crap up and get it off your land--and only when you are home. they might want to claim some of your valuable stuff....