Misfitmorgan's Journal - That Summer Dust


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
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NE Texas
Stress is a killer... seriously. So sad that you have to deal with the owners & their crap, but I guess it's all part and parcel of the terms for the property you're getting. Have to take the good with the bad... If the house was in perfect condition and the farm as well, you wouldn't be able to afford the purchase price, but the loan would be a "gimme". Lenders haven't "forgotten" the recent mortgage melt down and are still "scared" to do any loan that doesn't perfectly fit their refined definitions. To the best of my knowledge, the present owners do NOT have free access to the property once closing happens.

There should be a "walk through" the day of closing before the actual close for you, the buyers, to make sure that the sellers haven't removed anything that should have been included in the sale either by contract or by law (plumbing, electric, attached fixtures such as lighting, etc). They sellers should have removed all their personal belongings before closing and anything left behind becomes the property of the buyer unless specified in the purchase/sales contract. So their hoard becomes yours to deal with whether you wanted it or not. You can place a gate and lock it barring access to the property should you wish and with a no trespass sign/notice, they would be be in serious trouble if they entered the property and guilty of theft if they remove anything.

I hope the financing comes through for you, especially considering all the work you've already done toward property improvement. There is a lesson to be learned in all that somewhere...


Milo & Me Hoppy Tail Acres
Mar 29, 2015
Reaction score
somewhere in the Northern region of Minnesota
Thats what DH says " I don't know how they can talk and remember to breath all at once" He HATES them and i mean he could shove them off a cliff and not feel bad at all.
That is how my husband is as well with the guy we bought our place from. It has come a long way but still sooo far to go. The dumb is seriously a raging epidemic up here. We also have the same issues with our "friends" whom we bend over backwards to help and then get nothing or less than nothing in return.

NH homesteader

Herd Master
Jul 9, 2016
Reaction score
New Hampshire
My husband has dyslexia so my brain auto corrects I think, lol. So I have no issues reading your posts!

My stepdad's best friend is a real estate agent and he said it's super hard to get a loan right now. People keep being rejected last minute, etc. People who should have no issues. It's making his life difficult also, not being able to close sales.

Dumb people? Gosh... We have some real dumb people here too. I do wonder why we pay so much in school taxes when they're obviously not doing a very good job! Just post something on Craigslist and try to tell me people are smart!


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
Good idea but the most important question is....does Granny Clampett work for free?:plbb

Well she would have a hard time collecting any payment given she's dead :D

But you could have "every day shooting range" for your friends set up. The brainless owners are probably smart enough not to walk through the line between the guns and the targets ;)


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
We bought our place with a FHA loan. Buying a used mobile home seems to be some sort of a big deal. it being a HUD repo made it even worse. After we sold our old house, we paid this place off. I hope you can get your financing done soon.


Herd Master
Feb 26, 2016
Reaction score
Northern Lower Michigan
Well, if it is meant to be...it will, if not....you'll be much better off in the long run. Really not comforting I know, but there is no need to stress over something you can not control. It could be a "Flag" inabling ya to get back South away from all the negatives. What part are ya from, if it isn't too forward of me to ask?

Definitely not comforting but we have looked at the option of not being able to keep the place. The problem now is we have just enough stuff it would have to be sold as we have no other place to keep it not to mention all of our livestock would need to be sold and atm prices are still rock bottom here so we would take a huge financial loss.

The other problem would be that we own 4 dogs and it is hard to find rentals that let you have 4 dogs. I can't get rid of my chihuahua mix as i have had her for 13yrs now and DH can't get rid of his mini weiner because he has had him for 10yrs. I wouldn't wanna break up Issac the dobie and Kora the doberdoodle because their best friends. All that aside we have discussed it.

DH's brother offered him a job down in Texas starting at 45k/year but we would lose my job so we would be making less then we do now unless i could find someplace looking for a structures engineer to work on airplanes by chance...not really likely since boeing laid off a few thousand of those not to long ago. We discussed DH going back OTR but thats not really a good prospect either. DHs mother told him to go be a traveling welder but somehow thats doesnt seem to stable either :gig

I'm not from the south :lol: I was born and raised in Michigan but my family is not like these other northern wackos we all take care of each other as best we can and dont thrive on other peoples misery. I do not like the North, i never have so i've lived all over pennsylvania, new york, indiana, kansas, minnosota, tennessee, alabama, georgia, greece and michigan of course. DH is from Iowa but also lived in kansas and texas. We will probly some day move south but we are waiting on my mom and step-dad to be ready to move, they are not yet. My real dad has a lot of health problems from serving in Vietnam and agent orange so i dont think he will be around a lot longer and i would feel poopy if i moved and missed his last few years.

Stress is a killer... seriously. So sad that you have to deal with the owners & their crap, but I guess it's all part and parcel of the terms for the property you're getting. Have to take the good with the bad... If the house was in perfect condition and the farm as well, you wouldn't be able to afford the purchase price, but the loan would be a "gimme". Lenders haven't "forgotten" the recent mortgage melt down and are still "scared" to do any loan that doesn't perfectly fit their refined definitions. To the best of my knowledge, the present owners do NOT have free access to the property once closing happens.

There should be a "walk through" the day of closing before the actual close for you, the buyers, to make sure that the sellers haven't removed anything that should have been included in the sale either by contract or by law (plumbing, electric, attached fixtures such as lighting, etc). They sellers should have removed all their personal belongings before closing and anything left behind becomes the property of the buyer unless specified in the purchase/sales contract. So their hoard becomes yours to deal with whether you wanted it or not. You can place a gate and lock it barring access to the property should you wish and with a no trespass sign/notice, they would be be in serious trouble if they entered the property and guilty of theft if they remove anything.

I hope the financing comes through for you, especially considering all the work you've already done toward property improvement. There is a lesson to be learned in all that somewhere...

Technically speaking with my salary alone according to the bank i can afford 187k for a buying price but i dont have the roughly 20k for down payment and closing costs and i wouldnt wanna pay that high of a monthly payment lol. The banks are definately being difficult we tried to refinace our care loan about a year and a half ago and when it came down to it they said they couldnt do it because it would end up upside down....i thought the vast majority of most vehicle loans did anyway but they denied us in the end. The last car payment will be January 2018 on our current loan.

I don't know if there would be a walk thru or not since none of this is done thru a real estate agent. The lesson is life will try to screw you if it can :rant but we should have known that already.

My husband has dyslexia so my brain auto corrects I think, lol. So I have no issues reading your posts!

My stepdad's best friend is a real estate agent and he said it's super hard to get a loan right now. People keep being rejected last minute, etc. People who should have no issues. It's making his life difficult also, not being able to close sales.

Dumb people? Gosh... We have some real dumb people here too. I do wonder why we pay so much in school taxes when they're obviously not doing a very good job! Just post something on Craigslist and try to tell me people are smart!

Oh i know, i posted those two adult ram mutts on CL and the first response i got was "Have they have babies before?" I told them they had fathered babies before...to which they replied "They are not girls?" The ad says Ram in the title and the body says HE is a proven breeder and has sired several lambs :smack:th

We bought our place with a FHA loan. Buying a used mobile home seems to be some sort of a big deal. it being a HUD repo made it even worse. After we sold our old house, we paid this place off. I hope you can get your financing done soon.

We talked about doing FHA but the place isnt up to code at all. Hopefully whatever we find out is good news.

DH talked to the finance guy yesterday. I guess his partner/boss ended up having to go have emergency surgery so he didnt get down here to look at the place but said he would come down friday and for DH to call him around noon friday. He asked what we had for a down payment and we told him so hopefully it is enough for them. I am hoping they will also take into account we have leased it for a year and a half and put a bunch of money and work into it already but who knows.:idunno
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NH homesteader

Herd Master
Jul 9, 2016
Reaction score
New Hampshire
:lol: on the rams. We are trying to move south, my mom and step-dad will likely join us down there when my mom retires in 3 years.

Being up north is hard, it's a very individualist mindset. Plus our ground is frozen for 6 months out of the year and that's not helpful for being self sufficient! I hope you can escape someday!


Herd Master
Feb 26, 2016
Reaction score
Northern Lower Michigan
:lol: on the rams. We are trying to move south, my mom and step-dad will likely join us down there when my mom retires in 3 years.

Being up north is hard, it's a very individualist mindset. Plus our ground is frozen for 6 months out of the year and that's not helpful for being self sufficient! I hope you can escape someday!

That's because only smart people move out of the North, lucky people are born in the south and never have to live in the north lol. I know lots of people like the north but i think the snow and long winters has driven them to delusions. :plbb


Milo & Me Hoppy Tail Acres
Mar 29, 2015
Reaction score
somewhere in the Northern region of Minnesota
I am with you all on the north. It has beaten me down hard this winter. 50+ mph winds tore nicely built things apart yesterday. I was born here as well and never felt like I fit in nor did I want to. Always wanted to get as far south as possible. That won't happen ever now. Sigh. I will live through those who can escape.

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