Misfitmorgan's Journal - That Summer Dust


Herd Master
Feb 26, 2016
Reaction score
Northern Lower Michigan
Wow you have a lot of work to do (those people are disasters huh), but it is an amazing piece of property with a lot of potential. It'll look amazing once you're able to do what you want to do with it! How is the buying process going? Still stuck waiting?

We have big plans and the place could be really great with some work. According to the finance guy we should have found out last week if we were getting financed or not but no word yet. DH is suppose to call him again today.
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Mike CHS

Herd Master
Mar 18, 2013
Reaction score
Southern Middle TN
Believe me I understand what you are working with. There was so many pieces of misc. metal, cinder blocks and piles of building debris I literally had to float the front end loader over the surface of most of 18 acres before I could cut it the first time. Your hard working is really showing though and hope everything settles soon.


Herd Master
Feb 26, 2016
Reaction score
Northern Lower Michigan
Hope it does all work out for ya and ya gain control. It did look like ya could be a member of the "Red Neck Yacht Club" with those boats there. :)

I know they keep trying to sell us the boats too..for $500 each. Again we tell them no thank you as we already own a boat and only one of those boats has a trailer and it had no hitch lol. The wooden boat needs to be burned it has a small tree growing thru the bottom of it. The two on the ground have trees growing in them and wasp nests. Then they tried selling us the hay racks for $600 each..firstly they are not worth that much and secondly we know the actual owner and it isnt them. They tried selling us grain elevators and the hay elevators in the barn too and again we know the real owners and it isnt them. They own one elevator which has no motor on it and were like...you can have that one...gee thanks.

Believe me I understand what you are working with. There was so many pieces of misc. metal, cinder blocks and piles of building debris I literally had to float the front end loader over the surface of most of 18 acres before I could cut it the first time. Your hard working is really showing though and hope everything settles soon.

I think the part that bothers me the most is people think it is our junk. People come to look at animals and i am like omg i cant imagine what they are thinking when they pull into the driveway.


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
My opinion (unasked for ;) ) with regard to the original house:
Don't try to "fix" it. Take it down and start from scratch, use what materials you salvaged from it where possible. Otherwise you will spend a ton of time (and money) trying to straighten it up and get it on a decent foundation and STILL end up with a building that has structural issues and smells like burned wood.

Pretty amazing they don't want you to clean up all that crap. Free labor! Even if they tell you not to get rid of anything, you could move it all to one pile, even sorted (metal here, plastic there, 100 miles of hotwire pulled out of the fields to save your brush hog there, definite junk over there, stuff that could be used/sold over there ...) so when you do own the place they can take all their "valuables" away, have a scrap metal company buy what they can use, hold a "anything over there is free" weekend and then get a 600 yard ;) dumpster for the rest.

Good luck!!!!!!!!!!
And when it all gets overwhelming :hugs:hugs:hugs


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
Reaction score
Wstrn Cent Florida
I'm sorry for what I'm about to say....but, after all they have tried to pull on ya, the only thing I would be offering to them is the Ashes of anything I thought they might have wanted after I piled them up and Burned them. I wouldn't waste my breath and energy sorting anything for them....and if I got the loan, paid them off I wouldn't allow them back on My property to remove a damn thing...if all I did was burn it. When pushed I can be very vindictive, and in my book of definitions they have gone beyond "Pushing" ya....heck, after reading your posts, and I was able, I'd gladly come up and assist ya for Free....course it would be "Mississippi Style".