True BYH Addict
Any experienced goat owner available. We have a newborn baby kid. He was a single born on Saturday morning. The deliver went smoothly. This is a summary of what has been going on. I'll work backwards. Tonight his temp is 103.4. Yesterday, I found worm in Dixie's poop. I called the vet and brought the poop in for a fecal. He said that he noticed coccidiosis and the white worms were probably tape. He asked if I had checked temps. I said no, I went home it takes about an hour. I checked temps and DIxie's was 108.7. I called the Vet office back and they said to be there at 5pm and they would work us in. I brought the baby and they checked him also and he also had a temp, 104.8. They started mom and baby on Nuflor and Bananmine plus gave mom lutylase in case she had retained placenta or any other undelivered babies. Dash had seemed fine bouncing around like a baby goat. Mom wasn't as much herself but I didn't really think she was sick. Both got meds at the office and sent home meds for us to administer. This morning Dixie's temp was 106 and Dash was 103.5. I gave them the banamine. At 8pm, Dixie's was 105.3 and Dash was 103.2. Dash didn't gain any weight today. I decided to bring him in and try to bottle feed him. I got about 1.5ounces in him. He seemed hot still. I took it again and it is 103.4. I called the vet at about 8:30. He didn't advise me to do anything differently.
Please give me some advice. I will post this and add to a second posting.
Please give me some advice. I will post this and add to a second posting.