Ok now that the child is in bed I have two seconds to give you a real(ish) answer. We haven't talked about moving much lately, but my husband says he still wants to. I highly doubt it will happen this year, but I suppose stranger things have happened. He seems to think it can happen but... I am not so sure. I am using his motivation to get him to sell some things and clean up the yard, whether we move or not, lol.
He's been busy working and we've been busy when he's home trying to get farm stuff done, so not much worrying about what's down the road I guess. Both of our vehicles are giving us a hard time (the Jeep got fixed today, the car is still being difficult) so it's been stressful. But not in a terrible way, just crazy! Haha
I understand, and really trying not to be nosey, but interested in any Happenings I may have missed. I have a crazy brain and gets flashes of people at different times on different things and it just came to mind.
Grand total of 3 turkeys hatched. One of them didn't look so good for the first few days, his neck was bent all awkwardly but it's straightening out now!
Chick arrived yesterday. One didn't make it, we tried but no luck. Unfortunately it was a Dorking, but we still have 7. The rest are doing great. Very active, eating and drinking well. They're actually driving the turkeys crazy from next door, lol.
Turkeys are neat aren't they? They might be fine together, I've never kept mine together but I know plenty of people do. I kept turkeys with my Jersey giants for a good 3 months last year and they did great. Not sure how they would have been beyond that.
They are neat. I have been amazed at how fast they get big. They were the same size as the chicks they are with when we got them. Now they are as big as our adult chickens and the chicks are still small enough to try to get under them for warmth. They won't let them get under but they both will spread their wings to let them snuggle up to them.