Umm I have no idea, I can't tell for sure until they're about 6 months and the toms start acting like toms lol. Although I guess I can guess pretty well at a month or two old, last time we had a debate and I swore we had a tom and a hen. DH and his friend swore we had 2 hens. At 6 months one day the tom puffed up put of the blue and started fighting our big tom through the fence. Go me! Lol
Just the two now. The cover to their brooder got knocked loose and one decided to fly
and evidently wound in front of our Aussie who isn't chicken broke.
She didn't eat it but she had it in her kennel when we first saw what happened - but not how. A little late after the fact but we built another brooder adjacent to one of the sheep shelters.
Ok chicken folks... What kind of chicken is this? I finally got a picture. She didn't love being chased around the yard until I got a good picture (fortunately my rooster is in a time out pen and can't retaliate lol!) the markings look like a Partridge Wyandotte to me but not sure.
So sorry that happened! My English Shepherd seems to have a problem NOT grabbing anything that's small and moves fast. It's great if it's a mouse - not so great if it's a chick!