Palomino's Training Journal-Springtime!


True BYH Addict
Dec 19, 2020
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Such a special trip.
It truly was! Already looking forward to the next!

sooooooo amazing! So old, quaint, gorgeous, and all those wonderful words! Thanks for the trip via pics!!
It is!! I could live there. Glad you enjoyed them!

Absolutely gorgeous places to see, both farm/mountains and in cities...
So what's the special stuff that "fixed your dad"??????
Yes, pretty much everywhere one looks it is incredible. And we stay out of the "touristy" spots.

It is pretty special! Basically, it is a patented form of wearable light therapy that could not be easier to use and basically signals your body to heal itself in every way. My aunt was introduced to this life changing technology around last Christmas and promptly told everyone in the family. I did not even read or watch any of the thousands of testimonials, I just saw it work on my entire family and then on their friends. From almost total memory loss to severe arthritis, vision to chronic pain, the results have been beyond impressive!

After attending an inspiring conference last weekend, I have now decided to be a distributor and share this with others, because everyone deserves to know about this and it can also be an amazing work from home (or anywhere) business opportunity! And now I am watching it work on horses as well, including on my own very special stallion. I might have to make a separate post for that!

I was going to put this all in the equine/business post so I might as well include the equine news here! We love being in Kentucky, but it was a major downsize so I am not going to do consignment or much training any more, maybe 1-2 horses at a time. I will be able to focus on my own horses which I'm thrilled about. But I have started getting "in" the driving community here and am traveling to give lessons again, including at the Ky horse park!

Some photos from recent days.



True BYH Addict
Dec 19, 2020
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Are you talking cold laser?? That’s amazing stuff.
No, it is entirely different because it is wearable with no exterior light source. It is based on the principle of how our bodies process sunlight into Vit D, but it doesn't have any comparisons in other forms light therapy. They have been around for 25+ years and there are about 7 types now, but they have skyrocketed in popularity since 2020 for obvious reasons. One is for stress and that is what I used on my stallion.

This is what I posted on Facebook about him and I'll try to attach the video. Horses don't have a placebo effect and I was blown away, although I shouldn't have been because I've watched them work for so many months now!

Reel-Before and After

Wow. When I posted the other day, I was optimistic, but never expected anything like this! I was driving a different horse and only one thing changed. Thanks to a little patch, the true character that has been so long suppressed by fear in driving has finally come out!

Before and after videos show where we started and how far we had gotten before yesterday. Naturally a happy, playful, and energetic horse, when it came to harness and shafts, he formerly became quiet, slow, and entirely dependent on me for support. Yesterday, not only was he happy and relaxed, but he trotted for the first time in shafts and it was his idea! He actually wanted to do more!

The first indicator was how relaxed he was for harnessing, then I noticed him continuing to be himself, while we were ground driving. He tossed his head at a moth, he looked at the neighbor, he even tried to grab a bite of grass. 😅 Those might seem like normal things, and they are, but not for him until yesterday!

Backstory. I do not know exactly what happened in his past, but even with ample time to recuperate from a bad situation, when he arrived early this spring and happened to see a cart, he broke into a sweat. I started with teaching him to relax in ground/line driving and he bonded with me to the point that when we started in shafts, I used a halter so that he could see me and walk toward me. With a few weeks more, he was ground driving in shafts but he could not handle the sound they make so we were still taking it slow and building confidence.
After our move and a few months off, we started ground driving here and didn't even make it to shafts. He was too worried about the breeching. The mares can walk by the arena here and are good at making themselves known, so he was also getting distracted which did not help since I found I could not scold him for that, even verbally, because he thought it was something driving related. As much as I wanted to work through it, I seriously considered gelding since it looked like I would have to start all over with shafts.

Fast forward to this week, after hearing about success with hot cutting and reining horses, I decided to try the stress reliever patch and I believe the results speak for themselves!

In case that link doesn't work, here are some before and after pictures I took yesterday during the 2nd time.



1 patch and 2 minutes later.

Finally ready for the cart!


Herd Master
Aug 27, 2022
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Southern CA
WOW !!!!
There is so much out there that the general public, and many many docs that poo-poo this sort of thing. They do it with cold laser, essential oils, etc. Keep touting the positive results with "it wasn't a "scientific" study etc. I believe there are many great "tools" out there for us to use that one has to take on faith to try. I've seen the cold laser and essential oils work on me, but more work on my dogs which to me proves the value of such things.
Definitely keep me and the rest of us in the loop on what you're doing with this! In today's world we all need to know what we can do to help ourselves, our family, and our animals.


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
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Shadow Hills, CA
Erick is doing something where the doctors take stem cells from his own blood or marrow and then inject them into his knees. He is hoping to avoid knee replacements. He says it is actually doing the job. Expensive and not covered by insurance but he can't be laid up with surgery.


Herd Master
Aug 27, 2022
Reaction score
Southern CA
Erick is doing something where the doctors take stem cells from his own blood or marrow and then inject them into his knees. He is hoping to avoid knee replacements. He says it is actually doing the job. Expensive and not covered by insurance but he can't be laid up with surgery.
I’ve heard good things about that. 👍🏼


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Erick is doing something where the doctors take stem cells from his own blood or marrow and then inject them into his knees. He is hoping to avoid knee replacements. He says it is actually doing the job. Expensive and not covered by insurance but he can't be laid up with surgery.
I had that done twice... First did prolotherapy, then did PRP (platelet rich Plasma) and then the third step was stem cells. They took them out of my own marrow, and injected into the knee joint. It bought me some time with the left knee.... but unfortunately there was way too much damage in the right knee from years and years ago of an injury from riding, then other stuff, then the car wreck that did more damage. If I had done the knees 10 years earlier, they very well might have regenerated the cartilage .... Yes, it was expensive back 8-10 years ago... and not covered by insurance... but I had to try it. Did the ankle once and the one knee twice... It is done in some European countries... Kobe Bryant had his knee done and was able to go back to playing very successfully.