Peteyfoozer’s Journey (because journaling’s not enough)


Herd Master
Aug 27, 2022
Reaction score
Southern CA
Rabids and nuggets fed. Nuggets locked up today because Pig screwed up the fence so they can walk under. It wouldn’t take but a minute for all the ranch dogs to pounce and kill them all. Not taking the risk.
Making cookies today cuz the butter never softened the other day.
Boss has several beeves at butcher. I called to request the livers, green tripe, kidneys etc. for the dogs and was told “we don’t do that. We already threw all that stuff out” 🤬
You would think if you raised a beef and paying for custom cut you should be a le to have the parts you need grrrrrr
Oh man!! Geeze on the loss of the parts. Our guy was great about that. In fact when we first contacted him he said if we wanted any to let him know. And --- DDIL and DS took lots of parts - even already had curry with the kidney. Haggis is next.


Herd Master
Dec 15, 2011
Reaction score
Such a hard morning. Dreamt of my Heathen all night. I would wake up, just gutted all over again then he’d be back in my dreams and that sense of loss was just overwhelming.

Still in horrendous pain and the drive in to the Dr isn’t helping. Add to that, I’ve had a UTI for almost 3 months. Nothing is getting rid of it and I still haven’t been able to get appt for it. You think they would let me just take the dang pee test so they can write me a Rx. That’s all they will do if I had an appt anyway 🤬. Roads are bad icy. There was a van flipped over as soon as we hit pavement. The guy said he was ok, but he looked a little shockey. Standing out in the road so his vehicle didn’t cause another wreck. I was a total wreck the entire drive in, but we made it.
Left Fen in vehicle when we had breakfast and waitress asked where he was. He just doesn’t have the impulse control I need in a Service Dog, and boy going through stuff without k9 assistance really illustrates how much I need one. Idk what I am to do. I can’t just run out and get another dog.
My Maremmas were confident enough I could have easily used either of them for mobility but they never did figure out how to open back door from inside, so Heath would get them and bring them in or let them out…I’m hoping the new pup is more trainable. I know they are a bit sharper reaction wise but this pups parents are both working and show dogs so maybe their people skills and discernment will be as good as my polar bears were…he will at least be big enough to help me with my balance challenges at home and hopefully Fen will settle and fill in the gaps instead of clowning around all the time.
Low clouds and frozen world this morning…



Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
I had a neighbor who took cranberry pills daily. Without them, she got a UTI. She also drank a cup of cultured buttermilk daily. It worked for her, maybe you could try it. Her husband was hospitalized twice with kidney stones and she finally convinced him to take the cranberry pills. He hasn’t been back to the hospital.


Herd Master
Dec 15, 2011
Reaction score
Well good news from Dr. The thing on my chest is no big deal so no melanoma. Yay!
Weirdest thing happened. Since I decided to wash out Fen, I’ve been wishing I could afford a well bred rough collie. It would likely be
my last dog, ever cuz of my age so I wanted to find one that checks all my boxes. (Like being a sable…parents tested for genetic disease, HWP)
Today I find out ranch kid #5’s sister in law is a collie breeder in Texas and they picked up a pup from her last month. They decided they don’t want him because he just wants to be with them and has no cow in him. He knows nothing so far, I don’t know about his pedigree or parent’s OFA’s, eyes, etc. They are bringing him to ranch over Christmas for me to look at. Hoping I can find the info I need as I hate turning him down, but seriously having 3 baby dogs at same time isn’t really a dream of mine, either. 😬

Fen wasn’t happy spending so much time in the ‘burb, but his public access is so horrible, plus, I’m becoming fearful of fakes. Heath was nearly attacked before by fake SD, and now we can’t seem to go anywhere without seeing a storeful of them. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t care if someone brings their WELL TRAINED, NON-AGGRESSIVE dog anywhere at all, but 99.9% of these suckers have zero training, barking and dragging their owners at the other end of retractable leashes, usually. Because of the ranch dogs’ attacks, Fen is becoming borderline reactive. Next trip he will stay at home.

The trip to town and back was a nightmare. I had multiple meltdowns and panic attacks, as TheMan rocketed down the icy roads in heavy tulefog. There were 2 rollover accidents we passed in the morning, which was BEFORE the fog covered the pavement. It never got out of the high 20’s there. I don’t care if we never leave the ranch again, I can’t do that again. He won’t let me drive. I’m pissed because when he has an anxiety attack, everything in the world is done to help him, but who cares if I am in terror? 🤬
I couldn’t breathe several times. Was ready to just end it, cuz 4 hours non stop was excruciating. My body always hurts the day after going to town but today I feel as if I ran one of those Indian gamuts, where they beat you with clubs from both sides as you run between them…and my eyes are swollen. Not doing this again. Fen’s softcrate had the zippers break so he was laying on the console, which made it worse as I feared for him as well. I know my faith isn’t strong enough. Last night was a perfect illustration of that fact. I have no idea how to get the Anatolian home from Colorado but after yesterday, I’m sure not driving to Ft Collins in mid Jan!
I need to quit thinking. Not a good day for it. Hope y’all are well. Stay safe!