Peteyfoozer’s Journey (because journaling’s not enough)


Herd Master
Dec 15, 2011
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Every single one is a mixed breed, no two alike. Problem is, they pack up and act like thugs. Every dog I have ever owned here has been attacked, INCLUDING the Maremmas, when they were just puppies. As you know, LGD’s never forget. The dog that did it came flying down to our house (a good 100 yds away) and grabbed Potamus by the neck and got him down while I was standing with them on our lawn, chatting with the boss’ wife.
From that point on, every time they saw him, they would roll him.


Herd Master
Dec 15, 2011
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To clarify, these are all mixed breed cow dogs, although they aren’t gone working cows very much, it seems. Almost everytime Fen and I have tried to take a walk, they’ve run him home. I hate seeing him helpless and scared like that. 😡


Herd Master
Dec 15, 2011
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Good day today. Took Boone to town with us, left Fen home. Boone got to go in the restaurant and lay down, but I could tell he was beginning to feel overwhelmed as it was just too many people, too loud and not enough space. So I took him out to the car and crated him. But he at least knows what to expect if I ever need him with me.
We went to Lowe’s and as I got out of the ‘burb I was getting organized and lost my balance again, falling HARD.
Boone immediately checked me out and started DPT by laying on my body 😂 After I thanked him and let him know I was okay Randy helped me up and we went inside and went our separate ways. Boone saved me from 2 more falls. If I had Fen, I might have gone down on top of him, hurting us both.
Idk what’s going on with me today, although usually if I am having a seriously bad day I sit down and don’t walk much so there is less incidence of falling.
At feedstore Boone checked out baby chicks and shamelessly flirted with 3 little girls and their mom, sitting quietly while they pet him then demanding belly rubs. He settled beautifully every time I had to stand and generally it was a non stressful day where Boone seems to have learned a lot and enjoyed his time. He has an awesome attitude. Here’s hoping he continues to do well and doesn’t have any big personality changes as he matures.

I hope Fen had as nice of a day as we have.
The gal that fed for us said he did really well.



Herd Master
Dec 15, 2011
Reaction score
Snowed again. The couch potato, hereby referred to as Tater aka Boone, is my only company as Fen is with Randy again. I heard some terrible screeching awhile ago and raced out front, in the snow, in my bare feet, afraid to find a wounded and bloodied Fen. I saw Randy out in front of his shop, also looking. I hollered, asking where he was and he just shrugged. I whistled as by this time it had gone silent. Fen came from the direction of the cattle trucks. He was moving ok and there was no blood trail in the snow behind him so I guess he’s all right. It concerns me that Randy can’t keep track of him up there, as more than one dog has been run over on this ranch. I worry terribly about Fen, but he was so unhappy staying home with me that I guess the quality of his life is more important than my concerns

I still miss Heath, here on the almost anniversary of his death. I still don’t have a dog that is able to do all he did to help me.It is hard trying to train one, or two,as a case may be, to pick up the slack while I am in need. I started the Tater on learning to bring me my meds on time. I have to break it down a LOT further than I did for the sheppies, as fetching is definitely not In Boone’s wheelhouse. I started with a click and treat for him simply sniffing and touching my med bag with his muzzle. We have progressed to only clicking and treating for his actually taking it and holding it in his mouth. When he is consistent with that, we will advance to having him actually pick it up and hand it to me. Then having him get it and bring it to me when the alarm goes off, and them set the alarm for every 4 hr after proofing him in different locations in the house. I will also need to teach him an alert for when we aren’t home so he can let me know it’s time for my meds, wherever they may be. Fingers crossed he can do it. I hate the thought of starting yet another dog😢. But if he can learn this there is a very good chance he can learn the other tasks I need him to do as well.
Fen knows how to do most of them but isn’t interested in me enough to do them. Boone seems pretty bonded so he might. It’s hard to tell as he’s always asleep, but he does drag his carcass from room to room while I’m doing stuff so he can keep me in sight on the off chance he opens his eyes 😆


Herd Master
Aug 27, 2022
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Southern CA
I hate the thought of starting yet another dog😢. But if he can learn this there is a very good chance he can learn the other tasks I need him to do as well.
Stop thinking like. It implies that Boone isn't going to make it. Think positive. Remember he is not a herding breed! He learns differently. Needs to be trained with a different style perhaps as well. He is just a puppy and doing well with you. That is the first step. You're doing well with him also. Stop looking at the end result and work on the current close things one little step at a time. THAT is the foundation.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
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East Texas
Stop thinking like. It implies that Boone isn't going to make it. Think positive. Remember he is not a herding breed! He learns differently. Needs to be trained with a different style perhaps as well. He is just a puppy and doing well with you. That is the first step. You're doing well with him also. Stop looking at the end result and work on the current close things one little step at a time. THAT is the foundation.

Yes! What she said.