Peteyfoozer’s Journey (because journaling’s not enough)


Herd Master
Dec 15, 2011
Reaction score
Fen was laying on my side of the bed last night
I wanted him to move so I could lay down (he doesn’t move)
I got a couple cookies and set them at the bottom corner of Randy’s side and damn if that turkey can’t stretch all the way there with his mouth and not move his body off of my spot 🫤


Herd Master
Dec 15, 2011
Reaction score
 FEN did an amazing job with his lost item searches today
I hid my neck pillow from him:
1. on kitchen floor past refrigerator.
2. On top of the barstool.
3. In the bedroom on the floor just in front of the bathroom door where it can’t be seen unless he goes all the way in.
4. on top of the bed mixed in with the unfolded laundry

All the hides were done from where he could not see me, or where I went and the item was not obvious
He was asked to go find it and bring it to me from my spot on the couch he searched on his own, without my accompanying him, or helping him decide what room or what directions to go, he was totally on his own, and he found it each time in less than two minutes



Herd Master
Dec 15, 2011
Reaction score
Boone being an LGD breed, makes it more challenging to teach him the things I want him to know, so I have to be creative.
Like all of these breeds, he is incredibly intelligent, but so very different from herding breeds as far as motivation and responses.
Training Heath and Fen to open doors was easy as I could use their drive to play tug and apply it to the door pull.
With Boone, I have noticed Fen run outside letting the door slam in Boon’s face. His desire to follow was clear. I smeared a tiny bit of peanut butter on a spare door pull and held it just above Boone’s head. As soon as he takes ahold of it, I swap him for a high value snakum. He’s picking it up quickly.
Like Fen, he loves to steal things, unlike Fen, he spits them out as soon as I head his way, so I wiggle it enticingly til he picks it up again, then swap for snackies. He brought me my neck pillow that he had on the floor, for the first time today. He has also been consistent in putting downward pressure on my legs when asked (DPT).
Our first negative issue raised its head, as I knew it would, when he considered resource guarding me from Fen. Without having any better ideas, I had some of Boone’s favorites on me and each time Fen got between Boone and I, Boone got a cookie, until I could invite Fen to jump on me and Boone would happily accept another cookie, all thoughts of protecting me from Fen forgotten. This will be an ongoing exercise.
Tomorrow both dogs go the the vet for final vax, then I can start getting Boone out and about to meet everyone and take a bunch of short car rides.

I have a pretty good feeling about things going forward.


Herd Master
Dec 15, 2011
Reaction score
Mister suddenly went off feed a few days ago. His hind legs which tend to stock up a bit in the winter were pretty swollen, he had a swelling on his central abdomen and his breath was atrocious. I walked him out to the pasture and around a bit and he was moving freely, just a bit stiff in the rear. I flushed out his mouth, noticed he was drinking ok so that was my biggest concern. He was pooping fine.
After a couple of tense days, he was back to eating and looked so much better. This morning he was at the gate waiting for his breakfast. (Last week he was bucking and playing before meals)
I was so grateful he was on the road to recovery.

Then tonight. 😰

He swelled up like a poisoned pup. The edema is from his chest to his sheath and worse than anything Ive ever seen.
The cowboy’s wife who works with the vet thinks it’s either heart or kidney failure.
I’m devastated. I was so sure he still had several good years left…

My face hurts. My heart hurts.


It’s so sudden.