Peteyfoozer’s Journey (because journaling’s not enough)


Herd Master
Dec 15, 2011
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Boone cried all the way down the dirt road. So did I, but for different reasons. I imagine he feels the way I feel when in an airplane. Except for Boone, it’s not just terribly noisy but really rough. Once we hit pavement he was fine.
After 4 hr of driving we made it into town and stopped for breakfast. He did NOT want to lay down! He thought he should sit next to me, resting his head on the table both people watching and keeping an eye on any food that might show up. Arrrgh!!
We had quite the wrestling match while all the patrons in the restaurant admired him out loud, don’t ask me why, cuz he was being ornery as heck. I finally prevailed but was too tired to eat so he wound up getting my sausage after all.

We went to Lowe’s but it was just too hot to walk around so I made sure his air was turned on and we spent most of the day sitting in the ‘burb with air conditioner running.

He thoroughly enjoyed strolling through the giant Albertsons and prevented me from crashing in the dairy aisle. In spite of his large size, everyone likes him and compliments him. He doesn’t have a scary factor with that baby face.

Tonite is Boone’s first experience with a motel room. So far he is settled in chewing on his antler❤️ I love this boi. He just rolls along with whatever we need to do


Herd Master
Dec 15, 2011
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I thank all of you for the birthday wishes 🥰 You guys are the best!
Spent yesterday in bed. Double whammy pain day. I thought it would be less so, since we didn’t go both directions in same day but 2 days of too much in town and then being stressed out driving home in the dark. We had to bring the truck home from being fixed which meant I had to drive the ‘burb back. I have really bad night blindness plus I never drive so it was not a pleasant experience. My arms hurt like mad from gripping the steering wheel for 4 hours. 🙄
I started out fairly strong this morning but my back is really bad at the moment. Randy wanted me to make 3 pans of teriyaki chicken for tonight when his daughter arrives with her family (I actually think we will enjoy seeing them, as she’s VERY different from her sister. ) He also wanted me to make potato salad, and a Butterbrickle Carmel Pecan Cheesecake, and I had to get 2 loaves if sourdough bread started, all of which had to be done today, on top of de-Booneing the couch, cleaning the carpet where Boone smeared something all over this morning (looked like blood but couldn’t be…no clue) and a buttload of other things I didn’t get completed before we went to town.

The pain Dr is putting in a referral for an electrical implant that might really help my back. He said they might not be able to because of my RA, but if they don’t find that contraindicative, it sounds promising. He is also going to do a guided injection as he feels there is a specific area the RA is attacking my spine in addition to my other back issues, so I’m really hopeful that there will finally be some relief in the future!


Herd Master
Dec 15, 2011
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In such pain, you are up cooking and cleaning the house. You are an inspiration. I am in awe of how you push forward with your “damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead” attitude. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
When I can climb up and reroof my house, like someone I know, I’ll be impressed with me. I just eke out what I can until I fall over 😂