Gee, and I watered yesterday. Looks like I didn't need to. It just rained so hard that when I went out on the patio, a rat was crawling under the shed with the cats!
HUGE wind storm with the wind going round in circles. It blew limbs off the trees. (I told the goats, we just cut them down a different way.) I went next door and got the guy in the wheelchair because I was worried the tree was going to blow onto his house. It was blowing that hard.
What a mess!
Now the sun is out and it's as if nothing happened, except if I had the truck today, I could go collect a LOT of tree branches for the goats. Now I have to ride the bike back home, because I loaned my truck to a friend to go to work.
Glad I didn't leave right before the rain....
First of all, I would have been toast. Second of all, since the storm, things have been falling down. While I was sitting here watching TV, waiting for my shoes and clothes to dry, I heard a HUGE CRASH... I hear screaming and run out thinking a tree limb came down on a goat.
NOPE, it was on the bunny cages. Two of them were on the ground. No bunnies were injured in this mess. I put one cage back up but one mama bunny had to have a new cage stand. I used a table stand I built for AP earlier. It worked perfectly. Of course, now I need to build another one for her bunnies so she can have her garage table stand back. But for now the mama and babies are secure albeit a bit shook up. They needed a new stand anyway...
Then another thing came crashing down. Tree limb. Fodder for the goats. Just missed the barn.
Alas, one of the kitties isn't doing too well. He's an OLD tom cat. I don't know if he got hurt or is just sick. I can't get near him but he's out by the barn coughing and spitting. No visible injuries, but he looks like he's been through hell. He's still sopping wet and looks just miserable. I'll see if I can get closer to check him out, but he was UNDER the barn, so I don't think he was hit by the tree limb. Just scared by it.
Lots of clean up to do. Stuff blown all over the place.
People "drop them off" frequently in my area, because "cats are wonderful hunters and live well on their own, happy to be free". They end up sick and terrified and breeding to make lots more sick and terrified feral babies.
We had a pretty large population of feral cats around here. They were passing feline AIDS like it was candy, and many of them were coughing and full of the snot that comes with distemper. They were miserable. I'd occasionaly find one too weak to run from me or a litter of kittens where the mother was too poor to fed them. (due to the feline Aids, I euth'd them).
Then the coyote problem started and at night we could sit on the porch and listen to the scream of whatever cat was caught that night. I'd bet none of those cats died a happy and free death.
People still dump them here, but they dont last long enough to get sick like that.
sorry......I had a little rant didnt I?
I dont care much for windstorms and things falling out of the sky. Not on my list of favorite activities. I'm glad that all is well and the trees were all that suffered damage, though.
It is so kind of you to take care of all the poor kitties. Even if all you can do is put them out of thier misery you have done well.
We have a cat dumping problem here as well. Every summer I have to set the traps and catch all of the feral cats that have wondered onto my place and get them fixed. The spay/neuter clinic knows me by name. We put down any that are sick. It isn't much but it is all I can do. I put out cat food in the barn every night to encourage them to hang out in there. At least we don't have a mouse problem.