Queen Mum's Dancing in the Rain

Queen Mum

Nov 1, 2009
Reaction score
Dardanelle, Arkansas
Jacket has gone to a new home...

I realized I can't pay for her shots or for her other necessary care. Someone came along who REALLY wanted her. They have a handicapped daughter in a wheelchair who wanted a cat really badly. They could afford her care. So Jacket went home with them.

She is working out well in her new home. She takes her naps in the childs lap and they are fast friends now. I miss her alot though. :(

On other news, though:

I got bitten by several flies. What started out as a small cluster of bites turned into a HUGE and very painful infection on my right and left arms. Milking, cleaning, and sleeping have been just miserable. It is finally starting to heal.


True BYH Addict
Apr 22, 2010
Reaction score
N. Kentucky
I am happy for Jacket. I know you love her but it is what is best. I volunteer in Greyhound Rescue and have found the kindest thing you can do is admit when you are at your limit.

Sorry about the fleas. I seem to be more susceptible to them than my hubby. When they get in it is miserable.

Queen Mum

Nov 1, 2009
Reaction score
Dardanelle, Arkansas
It has been a LONG time since I posted. No internet access. What a nightmare and roller coaster my life has been. While AP was gone I took care of her animals. We ran out of hay and feed and finally got that on track but then the goats got a huge fright when she got back and one of the "new dogs" killed one of her goats.

While she was gone for the day, Brownie her Boer doe went into premature labor and had triplets. The kids were beautiful. (the result of a nice breeding with Ian (my nubian/ober buck). One was a big boer buckling with a brown head and white body and spots. One was a black buckling with a white stripe around his belly. Alas those two didn't survive. But with a LOT of help, one baby did make it. AP's tenants and I worked a long time to save that baby. (Now named miracle.) She is a lovely little doeling. She couldn't walk but was really struggling to survive and made it through the first two nights like a champ. Brownie, her mom provided lots of colostrum but didn't do well her first couple days. I thought we were going to lose her. She pulled through, though.

I left for Washington, where I am now, to get my stuff out of storage and have been working non-stop ever since to earn the money for the U-Haul trip back.

While I have been here, the guy who was supposed to be milking and caring for my goats, disappeared with my truck and hasn't been seen since. Some of my stuff is missing from my house along with the truck. The guy was a good guy, but I think he fell off the drug free wagon into Coke or Crack land. I think my truck is a lost cause.
they had not been fed for a couple days and two of them were missing. It was a tense couple days waiting to find out of the goats turned up or if they had been sold as meat for a drug fix.

One can only hope he comes to his senses before the cops shoot him. But that's another story.

More later...

TTs Chicks

Loving the herd life
Jan 13, 2009
Reaction score
N Florida
:hugs glad to hear from you. Sorry things are not going so well. :fl Hopefully everything works out :hugs


Owned by the Rotten Heifers
Oct 10, 2011
Reaction score
The Natural State
I found her goats they came back the next day and have no more escapes since. She may have some pregnant ones but not any more escapees

Queen Mum

Nov 1, 2009
Reaction score
Dardanelle, Arkansas
Yes, Houdini lived up to his name and escaped with Ian. They needed food, who can blame them? But they are back in the pen. THANK GOD! But they were in the buck pen and now are in the doe pen.

Queen Mum

Nov 1, 2009
Reaction score
Dardanelle, Arkansas
When you post on the internet, people interpret it with their own private filter. You have no control over that filter. I personally am clueless about peoples filters and have given up trying to figure them out.

My friends get me and thats good enough for me. They let things slide or get clarity before smacking me upside the head over my gaffs and mistakes to remind me to spit my foot out of my mouth. They know I have had my foot in my mouth so many times that I am becoming a permanent cripple.

But I only have a few friends on BYH and am leaving because here it doesnt matter what I post or how many times I change a post, someone is always going to be insulted by it or misinterpret it.
So this is my last attempt to set the record straight. Take it or leave it.

I recently went on a trip. While I was gone, I asked someone to take care of my goats. HE promised the following:

TO take them out to browse and feed them grain and make sure their water was full,

TO milk the does every morning,

TO keep the bucks in the buck pen and browse them separate from the does,

TO keep the kids in the kid pen at night,

TO pick up a round of hay when I sent him $40 the first week and then keep the hayfeeders full.

TO put up a hayfeeder for the kids made of a piece of cattle panel I left behind.

TO treat Mama for hoof rot.

TO feed and water my cat.

In exchange he was allowed to use my truck to look for work.

The second day I was gone, he took off with my truck and left my animals to fend for themselves. He apparently took some items that belonged to my son valued in the thousands of dollars. He hasnt been seen since. The bucks got out and ended up with the does and the kids were left out with the does. The cat was left in the house without food or water.
When I got back, the truck was damaged and not working. A big stripe down its side and a dent.

All of the goats ended up in terrible condition. The one who suffered the worst was Mama. Her body condition dropped two points. Her hair is still falling out and she has a bad case of worms from eating hay off the ground. (She is not used to the worms around here and is more susceptible to them due to that as well as age, size and her overall condition.)

I am pretty sure my does are pregnant at a time when they should not be. And I have no idea who the sires are.

My dairy goats were used to browse, hay and grain. As a result of his failure my dairy goats went un-milked and they got no grain. That resulted in a significant drop in their milk production.
When I say you need to be careful who you ask to care for your livestock in your absence, I mean it. I trusted that guy and he let me down. It is going to be a long time before I trust anyone again to care for my goats EVER! They are my life and my livelihood. I care about them.

Because of the help of several people the animals survived. I appreciate their help. Without it, my goats and kitty would have starved.

I got a call from someone who brought some hay to my goats.

My landlord and my neighbor also put my goats back in the pen a couple times when they got out and my landlord gave water to the goats twice. They kept an eye on the house and the goats and made sure they were not in danger.


True BYH Addict
Dec 31, 2010
Reaction score
Oh Queen Mum I am so sorry for all you have been through and your poor animals. What a horrible person. Please don't give up hope on all people. There are still some good ones out there. I am saying a prayer for you and all of your animals. Also sending you lots of :hugs :hugs :hugs :hugs :hugs :hugs :hugs :hugs :hugs :hugs :hugs :hugs :hugs:hugs :hugs :hugs:hugs :hugs:hugs :hugs :hugs If you need more just let me know. :hugs And to the person that did this to you and the animals :he :somad :smack