3 am. Just finished feeding them. They are so cute and warm and fuzzy. I don't even mind getting up for the early morning feeding. It is funny when I put them back in the basket to sleep. They go round and round making a nest. Just like a dog does to lay down. Only these are 5 puppies going round and round each other!
Poor little Lady has aspiration pneumonia. (probably aspirated some formula) I took her to the vet yesterday and she got a shot and some fluids. I am not sure if she is going to make it. She is the smallest of the five. She slept with me last night. She is still alive this morning and a little better, and she pottied when I washed her bottom. But I am just praying for her this morning as she is not looking well. Newborn puppies are so fragile. She's my favorite, darn it.