One of Mama's babies is sick. Pneumonia, I think. She is listless and walking with a hunched back. Seems to have "lumpy" breathing. It's no rattly or wheezy, but her breathing doesn't sound right. I brought her in for the night, (been tons of rain) and am bottle feeding her. I gave her Pen G.
Cross your fingers folks, she is a cute little doeling and very sweet.
Mama had triplets and the smallest of them is Sweet Pea.
She started out really well, but something went wrong and I noticed on day 2 that she was walking hunched up and barely moving. I thought she had pneumonia. SO pulled her to bottle feed. Her breathing improved but other than that, she just didn't get any better. Her pasterns were very weak and I gave her BoSe, Vitamin B, some probios and extra collostrum. I also started her on Pen G. Nothing worked. I could see NO evidence of a specific disease at all except that she progressively got weaker in her little front left leg. I suspected Navel Ill, but didn't see any outward signs other than the one weak front leg. All along she has been eating and peeing and pooping just fine...
Today she was in obvious pain and her front knees were swollen so I took her to the vet. Navel Ill. He drained the fluid from her knees and injected antibiotics into both front joint capsules. She is on a different antibiotic.
I routinely use iodine on the navels of all my babies and clean them very well. But you can't guarantee that they won't get an infection. I really am upset at myself for not taking her to the vet earlier. (Like several days ago.) My babies can't tell me where it hurts...
I won't make that mistake again...
She stood up in her bed tonight and talked to me... She is a little trooper...