I'm "looking forward" to drawing more blood and sending it in this week. My last results were negative.
We might try Herd Health Diagnostics. A goat friend recommended them because of price and better customer service. $4 vs $6.50 a sample. She says ELISA testing is all the same ELISA test. If no one has anything negative to warn me about them I may try them out.
We are all negative at 4 weeks past last possible exposure. Two more tests at 8 and 12 weeks to go. I've got a saanen doe due with mini kids this week (today actually). She doesn't feel very close.
Riker got mouthy today when I grabbed his collar to fix his flea tick collar. Boy, was that a mistake.
For that he got dragged to the shop and weighed, nails clipped, walked on a heel to the house where he was dragged inside and vaccinated, and then I knocked the fluff out of him.
DO NOT even think of biting me for grabbing you-even sort of.
Bailey, on the other hand, got her pants shaved off again. Her no-touch zone on her rear end is expanding. I'm guessing she has a little stiffness from being so overweight for so long and getting older so I shaved her from the hips down and took no pics so keyboard warriors don't get inflamed. No need to get rashy and trashy.
She will still need a bath because she's an oily mess and where I didn't shave isn't releasing undercoat properly again. She's going to love that but after shampooing and while she's still wet her undercoat does drop out if brushed.
How's the goat testing situation going? Are you getting the crazy swings in temp and the wind and cold like we are this week?
How are the kids all doing? School getting out soon?