rachels.haven's Journal


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
Just to throw in the for your request for something good .... @rachels.haven .... had company come from Conn. to visit yesterday evening and this morning and then they left on a their way to Chincoteague to see the ponies and just enjoy the beach/water for a day.... so a great visit... THEN.....

DS went to the pasture this morning, got some bigger calves off the other group of cows...they were due to be weaned soon anyway.... because he finally decided we ought to ship a load of steers while prices are high; what with the drought designation and dry conditions... before it gets worse and more are shipping early... added a few of them to the ones we got back at the barn 2 weeks ago... and got REALLY REALLY GOOD prices today... avg weight was right around 480 lbs, over all 22 head... average price was over $1550 .... PER HEAD.... we got in the $320's, to 3.40 for the different ones...
So we had a very good day so good news on one front...
That's amazing! Timing paid off this time!


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
*humorous note* Please no one else have anything else bad happen to them over the next few days. I keep reading things happening on here to other people and then the same lands in our lap or worse. I get to learn how to handle things through other people...but this is getting a little old. Wishing that everyone just has GOOD DAYS for the next little few weeks.

I NEED some good days, so I’m taking this outside and read it to my sheep.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
If the water has touched you, your dishes, your clothes AT ALL, you can be affected even without drinking it. Report this to the local health agency ASAP! Not disclosing contaminated water is a SERIOUS criminal offense.

Contact your relator friend and her attorney, ASAP!!!!

Sue those awful people


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Good news today.
#1. No dead lambs.
#2. DD and family came in last night.
#3. I had 2 pumpkin pies ready, plus Redi Whip and Bluebell Cookies N’ Cream.
#4. Pumpkin pie and bacon for breakfast.
#5. They left this morning and took their dogs with them!


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
zone 7a
Still sick, but the well people came today. Today we learned that according to them a well is not at the end of it's lifespan until it stops dispensing water. Our string filter was changed. We know how to do this ourselves, but because there's a UV sterilizer involved that needs to be maintained for safety we're going to let them do it. So now our water is yellow instead of brown and clear. I guess that's better. The goats appreciate it.
I can't recommend a UV sterilizer for well use because if the water becomes cloudy or colored the sterilizers effectiveness tanks. Our well is so smutty it's not a question of "if" but "when" the effectiveness will be reduced, and we know there is coliform bacteria in the well that makes us sick. Additionally I suspect that based on our previous well experience, that our string filter will begin failing at 4 months...or rather it did about that on a less smutty well, so everything might just be a coliformy poop show.

...so our next step is to test our water for radon (VERY heavy radon area here, and house has already needed mitigation measures for high levels at our purchase time due to laws in our favor (seller did not like this but the state doesn't care, hah)) other radiologicals and metals, nitrites, remaining bacteria and everything else routine.

We're heading towards a ro filtration system. I wouldn't mind putting a string filter behind that. At this point we're deciding on whole system or just under sinks...I'd rather do whole system because of raw milk producing animals and failing string filters and all. One advantage of having filters on the sinks is that I believe they can filter the hot water that's been brewing in our tank water heaters. A point of well filter would not do the water already in the house.

It's cool today so after work when the spouse is off I might put together the buck pen with him and get them out as long as I'm not too bad off. Off to ship a milk test box today.


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
Today we learned that according to them a well is not at the end of it's lifespan until it stops dispensing water. Our string filter was changed. We know how to do this ourselves, but because there's a UV sterilizer involved that needs to be maintained for safety we're going to let them do it. So now our water is yellow instead of brown and clear.
I would say that a well is at the end of its life span if it stops producing potable water as the only source of house water! Although the well can still produce water, that doesn't mean that it is safe to drink. And if the seller sold the house based on the fact that the well was "producing" water ensuring a water source for the house, that is a health hazard that she knew about. You are entitled to pursue action against her. In fact, since the water has coliform bacteria that you were not warned about, that is even worse because she knowingly sold a house with disease causing water to you. Knowingly selling a dangerous situation without warning you would constitute punitive damages being awarded as well as damages for injuries. In fact, even if the well water is cleaned with a filter of some sort, the bacteria is already in the pipes in the house and without sterilizing the entire water system, is not safe to drink from.

If the only water you can use for the house is from a well, you need a new well. Apparently, the coliform bacteria is leaching into the well water from somewhere. Maybe thorugh the casing if the well is old. Our well is still usable but sediment leaches into the water through pin holes in the casing. For house water we would need a new well drilled since they can't put a new casing into 1960 piping. All new wells are made now using heavy PVC piping for the well casing. It doesn't rot like the old metal casings.



Herd Master
Apr 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fort Worth, TX area
We're heading towards a ro filtration system. I wouldn't mind putting a string filter behind that. At this point we're deciding on whole system or just under sinks...I'd rather do whole system because of raw milk producing animals and failing string filters and all. One advantage of having filters on the sinks is that I believe they can filter the hot water that's been brewing in our tank water heaters. A point of well filter would not do the water already in the house.
You will need SUPER robust pre-filtration based on your description, otherwise the expensive RO membranes will NOT last. Most likely an sediment / carbon filter with automatic backflush. All the filters need to be up stream of the RO unit in order of largest micron size pass-through to smallest.

As an analogy, envision keeping blown sticks, leaves, and no-see um bugs from coming in your window. A 4"x4" cattle panel (sediment string pre-filter) will catch the sticks and keep them from damaging the window screen. A standard window screen will catch the remaining leaves (carbon pre-filter). However, it lets the no-see um bugs in. To keep those out, you upgrade to tighter mesh screen (RO unit).