Ragdollcatlady's Just a Little Patch of Weeds Farm journal


Herd Master
May 10, 2010
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Anderson, CA
Hopefully once he gets to know the goats he will like them as much as you do. They tend to be addictive, as you well know. I am not sure about having goats in snow country. Obviously people do it but I'm not sure how. Does he live far enough north that you are going to have days on end with no sunlight? That would drive me mad as I live for sunshine and summer. I'm thinking if I lived where the summers were endless daylight I would be in big trouble as I could never sleep in the daylight, I am not a napper at all. Dark = sleep, light = work. Just the way I roll. It would take a huge adjustment for me to live there...heck, I can't even find another state in the lower 48 that I am willing to move too. Maybe AZ , but that is a pretty big "maybe".


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
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NW Vermont
"from Gallaecian Spain"
You mean your ex and Bab's DH and I are almost related?? 3 of my grandparents were born in Spain in the mid 1890s. Father's father was from the Leon area, mother the Pamplona area and my maternal grandmother in Barcelona. Of course that is far from the Gallaecian area, Leon is closer.


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
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Well, all I know about exs family is that the not so distant relatives came from New Mexico. My own family goes back to Spain on one branch and Mexico on another (mom is going to see if she has the info for where my grandma and grandpa were born). The other lines go back to Indian (and ultimately to a sister of Pocahontas I believe) and another goes back to one woman that immigrated over on the mayflower.

And that is how I became a MexiSpanishWhitish goddess! :D =D

I had a text show up out of the blue, while I was feeling a bit blue, from an old friend. The first friend I made when I moved here in fact. We caught up a little over text for a couple days and I realize that I miss all the hours we used to spend talking when the kids were little. Between being retired military and then a CO, he had a lot of stories to tell.... and when he didn't have actual stories, he would tell tall tales.... some just to make me blush! Nothing too bad, but he liked to make me squirm a little once in awhile, just for a laugh of two. Our kids were the same ages so they used to play every evening during the summer and he and I had hours of supervising the youngsters as they ran and played We just sat in the front yard chatting and visiting with any other neighbors that came by on evening walks. He would also look up info on spiders that the kids and I found and would print up the info for us to learn about them. Man! The years have just flown! What I wouldn't give for one more evening like that, kids running together playing gleefully, the summer heat setting behind the house as the sun went down, and the company of a good friend.

But time marches on.... DS2 will be here next week to pick up DS3. I guess they have an event they are going to. I plan on sending them back to my moms with the car full of baby toys for my niece and nephews. Mom was looking for dinosaurs, so I am sending those, some cars, "little people", doll house and accessories, and anything else I think they would like that I can part with. So far I have 6 boxes and a bag with boxes in it, and I think they may not have enough room.... the kid drives a Jetta and the boys are 5'10" and 6' tall....

I also have a friend that loves books as much as I do and I am probably going to see her tomorrow to pass on a couple of book collections that she wants. Her son is in first grade I think? Magic Tree House should be about the right reading level I think, and the Animal Ark books should be just a grade or 2 above that, but maybe she will read them to the kids. My kids used to pile into bed with me and I would read out loud for an hour or so until they fell asleep, well into the later years of elementary school. One time I picked up a couple of books when they were on sale, thinking they sounded like something my kids would like.... they weren't too interested, so I picked one up and started to read to them while they were eating lunch one day, and the rest, as they say, is history! ;).... I think DD now owns all of the books in that series (Warriors) and is looking for copies of a couple of the newest in that collection…. we are talking a whole bunch of them!!!

I managed to install a new window AC that the ex had delivered to us. I think letting him nearly die of heatstroke one day while waiting for me to fetch some photos he wanted, might have had some influence on his decision to be so generous. :oldAnd that wasn't even one of the hottest days!!! but he doesn't live where it is hot so he was far more uncomfortable than I was.:cool: I just cant afford to have the central air fixed yet. But DS3 and I will take it, the price was right so no complaints here. DS3 likes to lay under the ceiling fan in the family room on his phone, but now he can be comfy while playing his game console in the other room too.


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
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NE Texas
I am a son of the Mayflower and related to several of the original mayflower passengers. So perhaps we are related as well in a distant sort of way. No Spanish or Mexican here but rumor there's a little Indian mixed in there somewhere.


Herd Master
May 10, 2010
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Anderson, CA
When my boys were in Junior High I was looking for a good book to read and picked one out of their room, Martin the Warrior from the Redwall series. I ended up reading all the books they had and buying more. I saw some just a few weeks ago that have been written since then and I might just have to buy them. I called them "little critter books". I seldom read anymore...no time. I also read all the Star Wars sequels that my kids owned; those were the days.

There is supposedly some Indian in my mom's background too and I was even told I was related to Pocahontas but I never put much stock in it. My grandmother on the other side always said that we were related to William Penn. Who knows.


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
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My family, grandma especially (moms mom), used to do genealogy so I believe they have the records back to the one from the mayflower. I have a huge book that another family member put together after locating us while doing genealogy as well, from my grandfathers line, that's the Pocahontas sister side.

My mother has some records so she was going to see where my fathers parents line are from, that's the Spanish and Mexican side. Every now and again I get curious... then I get tired of it.

And for books.... Oh if only I had the time to just be a real princess of the goats.... I would read. and read... and read some more. I loved reading the same books the kids did. We went through the Harry potter series together and the kids used to tell me when they came across a really good book they thought I would like.... My BFF was into the Pillars of the Earth so I read a couple of those and then she was on a kick where she read the books about King Henrys wives so I read most of those as well.... I just (finally) finished the written abridged Princess Bride as suggested by DS3. Then I picked up The Shack at the airport, it has only been about 10 years since one of my other closest friends recommended that one. I am most of the way through it.

The one time I remember getting in trouble as a teenager, I had my books confiscated. Don't even remember what I did. But I didn't watch TV, go out, or do anything else besides take care of and play with my animals …. and no one wanted to take responsibility for them so they never took them away. :old


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
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NE Texas
I didn't watch TV, go out, or do anything else besides take care of and play with my animals …. and no one wanted to take responsibility for them so they never took them away. :old
Kinda funny that most parents learn pretty quick to NOT administer punishment that punishes them at the same time... :lol:


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
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NW Vermont
My own family goes back to Spain on one branch and Mexico on another (mom is going to see if she has the info for where my grandma and grandpa were born). The other lines go back to Indian (and ultimately to a sister of Pocahontas I believe) and another goes back to one woman that immigrated over on the mayflower.
I'm pretty sure I have 1 Mayflower connection as well. You, @Latestarter and I might be related :)

Martin the Warrior from the Redwall series.
I read those a few years ago, very engaging. Actually the first I "read" was a "book on CD" for the 4 hour drives to MA.


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
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NE Texas
Genealogy isn't really a major care to me. Not knocking those who care about it, but to me, those folks are long gone, and when I'm gone it won't be a factor to me one way or the other. I'm also a Son of the Revolution and had ancestors at Bunker (really Breed's) Hill when that whole evolution went down. Right off the top of my head I know I'm a direct descendant of Myles Standish. There are others as well. My dad published a genealogy book before he died, actually years ago, and updated it every time he found and verified additional information. To be a member of the Mayflower Society, you have to have solid, verifiable proof of descent from a/any/some Mayflower passenger(s). And they have their noses so high in the air (superiority) that they check EVRYTHING multiple times before they approve membership.

He then went a step further and spent time over in Britain, Ireland, Scotland and Germany to track our ancestry prior to crossing the Atlantic. that was a bit more arduous as with multiple world wars and such, many records no longer exist. But I have ancestors that were royalty as well. Maybe those lines are what made/make me such a royal PITA sometimes? ;) He published a second book with all that info.

I have the books stored in a box here someplace... :hu