Ragdollcatlady's Just a Little Patch of Weeds Farm journal

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
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S coastal VA
Yum -- broccoli/cheddar sounds great! Love a good crusty bread & thick soup together.

Recipe? Well, my grandma always said "you FEEL the dough" to know it's right. :D Of course, that isn't what you need to know when using different flours & seasonings. But isn't anything I remember more than the taste & texture of biscuits & fresh bread that woman took out of the wood stove oven! Xcept maybe the pretty jars lined up in the cellar!

I'm thinking a REALLY good picture of a few shelves of jars of canned goods -- in a closet -- may just be all I need. :lol: Open it when I get a hankering to dig & plant & can -- then rest.


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
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The bread and soup were good, so I took them work to "share" the goodness... (and calories!!! :D)

In an effort to add some almost effortless exercise, my girlfriend and I decided that since she was going to walk Siri and I was planning on walking Beaux and Doodles, we should just walk together. I drive to town to walk, because of the sidewalks and lack of goat head thorns mostly and I actually end up walking right past her apartment on my 3 mile walk. I just usually walk from 9/10 to 11 or so and she usually walks around 7... compromise means 8 was just right. Yes, I actually drive 4 miles to walk the dogs 3 miles.... :thThe first day was great. She had the dachshund sisters on a double leader and I had Beaux with his backpack, where he carries my phone, drivers license and poop bags, etc. Smooth walk, time went fast as we had someone to talk to, soooo nice! :) Then there was the next day... this is me we are talking about right? This time, I swear, anyone that saw us walking from the start to the finish would have put that S### on U tube and would have surely been shaking their heads wondering how the 2 of us managed to convince anyone that we were responsible enough to handle 3 dogs, let alone be responsible for ourselves!!!! First thing, Siri slipped out of her harness within about 30 seconds of starting our walk. No biggie, we pause, laugh, get straightened out and start again. The girls keep trying to wrestle and run and get tangled up with each other and trip up Beaux by getting under his legs.... just a mess. Then we get about a third of the way through and Doodles is limping. So I pick her up and carry her. Then Beaux decided to shake... and my water bottle pulled open his backpack and the dog treats and empty bags go flying... 3 different times!!! :barnie:barnieSo we are in the middle of the street, picking up stuff and reorganizing again and again and again.... Thankfully there are no cars or people around so we were good. But we manage to get back to the truck safe and sound, mostly, so all is well that ends well right? We say goodbye and as I'm packing up my dogs, she yells to me that Siri is coming back! And boy was she, at top dachshund speed! She had pulled the leash loose and came flying back to the dog party! We laughed a lot but were sooo much more tired from that walk than from the one the night before...….. Gotta run... grabbing my dogs to try another walk! Wish me luck! :p


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
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Yesterdays walk was uneventful and tonight it was just me n Beaux... so nothing fun happened. Oh but I forgot to mention the couple miles I walked with Beast round and round the backyard the other night.... I was going to walk Beaux alone in town since my friend wasn't able to make it, but my big ole beast had other plans for me. Beautiful Beast literally tore his gate open and was out in the yard. I heard the jailbreak and knew exactly what was up. I have been needing to trim his hooves so I figured I'd just do that then put him in with the girls.... which is why he busted out anyways.... but he is a couple hundred pounds of a little bit nervous... so I knew we were gonna exercise a good long time first. And we did. We walked for about an hour and a half. :th Finally he started to get tired and nervous and attempted to go through a big woodpile. I got close enough to clip the leash to his collar, then I let him climb out before dragging him to a tree and tying him so I could get on with the business of doing his feet. Put him in with the girls and wouldn't you know it, but the last few days, he stands on the fence at feeding time, just like the girls, and lets me scratch him without too much worry. Silly boy!:rolleyes:


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
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Well, I don't remember the other thing I was going to share....

But I do got a good one for y'all:

So it was Wednesday after work, its been a long couple days, I was a little tired, smelled a little bit like animals and was super ready to share a couple nice glasses of wine with B, kick up my feet and just unwind while the dachshund duo ran around/wrestled, you know, the usual. I stopped at the grocery store, finally decided which Stella Rosa to get as we like almost all of them, but I saw some deals on pretty labeled wines on the bottom shelf, so I was looking to see if maybe I wanted to get a second bottle since I was there and all. This voice above me starts talking to me and I politely respond, in that noncommittal, barely acknowledging way... you know, answering back just enough to be polite, nothing too engaging, not even being polite enough to stop reading to really even look up...'Oh no, not drinking alone, my girlfriend is coming over'.... 'No, not GIRLFRIEND GIRLFRIEND, you know, my friend that is a girl'.... 'just unwinding, you know girl talk' … 'couple drinks, just complain about some coworkers, life, you know...' and then he mentions something like, "well if you are looking for something that's really good, this stuff is the best"... and he points to something on the top shelf. So I stand up, starting to feel like I'm actually being rude, look at what he is still pointing to, but it is just pineapple vodka. He is still pointing so I pause and look at him, finally realizing that he appears to be posing. And I see muscles... and more muscles.... Dude is absolutely ripped!:ep I note that it is 6 PM and he is well put together, clean, freshly shaven, hair in perfect place... I am all but the opposite by this time of day, having been up for 12 hours already. I didn't look closely enough to even see what color his eyes were, just took in the whole person, and my first thought was that with all those muscles, he clearly does nothing but work out all day (kudos to him, but... :idunno) and that he has clearly used these pickup lines hundreds of times before. :oldI will admit that I was pretty amused and I did smile this time as I tried to once again, gently decline from inviting him to our girls night, even though he mentioned, again, how he could really use a drink and he would be happy to strip for us, not even charging us anything, just, you know, a few drinks!:ep:ep To be fair... as ripped as he was throughout his shoulders, he probably looked fantastic in much less than his very modest T-shirt and jeans!:oops: After he finally walked away, offering his number one last time, just in case (yes I still declined), I realized that I totally missed a perfect opportunity! I should have asked for his number and if I could grab a quick pic so they could see him, then asked if he wanted to actually strip for a bunch of girls and I could have arranged a going away party for B.... she is moving in a month and all the coworkers would have really enjoyed Mr Ripped even if I wasn't interested... :thSorry B! Sorry coworkers! And so sorry Mr Ripped! :gigMy BFF said that was probably a first for him... I was probably the first person to ever turn him down like that! :old Maybe that is why he looked so confused that I kept declining!?!? :lol: Just as an aside, he wasn't standing too close or making me uncomfortable in any way, it was just funny how he was trying so hard to get invited to our crazy mellow "party" with me an B, hanging in the front yard! I can only imagine what he thought our night was going to look like, versus what it really did! :gig

:hideYou know with us constantly saying to one dog or another, 'don't you try and kiss me you poop eater! don't jump on me, what do you have?, where did you go, would you quit that! get over here! stop barking!'.... :lol:

And yes, I let Alaska know before I posted this... He may have sounded a tiny bit jealous... :hide and no I did not tell Mr Ripped that my boyfriend would be very unhappy if he had to fly 3000 miles to come protect his girlfriend from too many muscles but I was wearing my ring so he could have determined I was taken if my constant declining wasn't enough. :old


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Yeah.... maybe next time! ;)

Soooo apparently I am not actually responsible enough to walk the dog by myself.... :\ Thankfully Beaux is actually responsible enough to babysit me, :hide so it all worked out OK in the end! :D One of my shoelaces caught on the hook of the opposite foot and took me down for the win. Hiking boots-1, me-0. :th Beaux stopped and sat immediately when asked, waiting patiently for me to get my laces under control and catch my breath after I hit the pavement. I cant even walk the dog by myself! :thI did finish the walk but a little more tired than I should have been.


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
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Just a smidge of road rash on my knees, most of the impact was on the heel of my right hand... I'll be feeling that tomorrow... :rolleyes:

And as for grace... I'm about as graceful as a rock... at least when I sit still!.... Once I'm actually in motion though I'm all hurricane!:old (Wellllll maybe more like a little sandstorm with hiccups! :lol:) and I may or may not have heard the phrase "bull in a China shop " once or twice.... and that was from my old friend and confidant of 28 years, so I suppose he likely knows a thing or 2 about me!:D =D

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