Look who dropped in to celebrate my birthday with me....
Best birthday surprise!He came in just as I was getting off work midday on Saturday. He brought some birthday presents, wine and flowers too. We worked on rebuilding my rickety trailer, then he took me to Sals for dinner tonight. The manager came by to say hi, since I was just there, and she sent home a burrito for Baylee and sent her good wishes, and I got a free birthday drink.
I still have to go to work, but I get to enjoy Mr Alaska's company for a couple more days!
My Frankenkid is doing ok. He was back to work this morning.
I had a great birthday! I got to enjoy Alaska and just get to be with him a little more. Time is something we don't get nearly enough of. He just let me know he made it home safely.
My truck is in the shop. I broke a spindle and pin??? not sure what that is, but they wouldn't let me take her from the shop without towing her if I was inclined to have her repaired anywhere else. So there is $400 in repairs and I am relying on coworkers for rides. Feels bad. Hope she is done tomorrow, as I desperately need to get hay for my babies. The place they are getting the used spindle from, put the part on the wrong truck this morning, so my truck is stripped, ready for the part, that is scheduled to arrive tomorrow morning. I am really glad I insisted they do a more thorough inspection. Their free inspection wasn't comprehensive enough to catch it even though I knew something worse was going on.
Beaux Jangles (my dog) had surgery this morning. He had a lump on his abdomen, most likely just a fatty tissue tumor, (Dr checked it a few months ago) but it was about a C or D cup sized mass by now (honestly resembled an implant), and it as under the muscle so it was starting to really hurt him. We were walking the other night, Alaska had fallen asleep early but I still had hours left to work so I took Beaux and Doodles out for our walk, thinking I would get in about 4 miles. But a little after 2 miles, I noticed him limping... as soon as he realized I was watching him, Beaux straightened up, quickened his pace and tried to hide the limp, but I felt terrible. Our usual walk is 3 miles, but I slowed to a easy stroll for the last 3/4 miles back to the car and called the walk early since he was hurting. He did fine and is recovering quietly now, at my feet, just licking the carpet.... don't ask, he's a dog, I don't know why! He will wear a cone and spend a majority of his time in the huge crate in the front room for the next couple weeks. I was actually pretty surprised how much it bothered me to sedate him. I sedate my animals when needed and I am usually OK. I let the other tech that was assisting me, know that I was bothered and asked if she wouldn't mind monitoring the anesthesia, not to hesitate to call me as I can still function and act on my own pets in an emergency, but I appreciated her being the primary tech for the actual surgery.
And..... my cat Jasmine has a lump on her leg that needs attention too. Sometime, maybe around Tuesday, I had noticed a really hard lump on her back leg. I was really hoping for an abscess as that has an easy solution... but no such luck, the fluid has a clearish, almost joint fluid look to it. Kind of like extra gooey slobber.... We ran out of time today, but the Dr said she would try to remove it on Monday... Why do MY animals have to have the weird stuff!!! This lump is not near any joints so it isn't likely actual joint fluid.... Dr is stumped as well, and Xrays don't show anything obvious.
"Dusty" (finally named my truck) is back from the shop. She stops without making noise now. I cant afford the other $650 worth of work she needs, but now I can stop at least.
I have a family coming to see goats tomorrow, hope that goes well.
I gotta try out the "new" trailer tomorrow since I need hay. Alaska rebuilt the whole thing and painted her purple for me! I still need to try and figure out the lights and why they aren't working... but the rest of it looks pretty good.
Sure hope they both heal well for ya........it is a shame tho, they wait until ya have company before these things manifested and distracted ya from your company...