Ragdollcatlady's Just a Little Patch of Weeds Farm journal


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score

Did I ever mention to y'all anything about my life being, I don't know, full of far too much excitement, or anything along those lines? o_O Cause here is one for you.:old

Apparently my kid finally caught up to the evil Count Rugen (you might remember him as the six fingered man from the Princess Bride) but when he declared "My name is Inigo Montoya, you killed my father, prepare to die!" He found out that the count's sword, was still as sharp as the day is long, and it readily sliced open his chin to leave a scar, that the boy would still remember the count, and his evil ways.... Forever!...… :eek: Except my kids name isn't actually Inigo Montoya.... so there is that, his father isn't actually dead, the count was actually a woman with a normal number of digits on each hand, and the counts sword wasn't actually a sword at all, but in fact, it was a car door, swung open into the path of said kid, as he attempted to make his way to work on his rusty, trusty old bicycle, this very morning. :barnieSo I got a call around 6:55 to ride my reliable old Silver Durango to the rescue, into the town proper, to collect my damaged offspring and deliver him 45 minutes away to the emergency room, to have his face sewn back together.:ep
Like Frankenstein. :th:th

True story. Well, mostly. :D =D

(I was gonna post the before pic, but it may have been too graphic for sensitive viewers... or you might have been reading mid meal, so I have chosen to include only post-repair pictures.;))

bay acc 3.jpg
bay acc 1.jpg

When we were done at the ER, we got caffeine at the local starbucks and stopped for his favorite Italian soda at Cost Plus. Bought the poor kid a new shirt and then ended up going to Sals for the first time. They are a local famous Mexican food restaurant, with a chili con carne that is to die for!!!! Since we moved here, I have wanted to try them, the nearest one is 20 minutes from home... But if I only knew then what I know now!!! If y'all are ever in the central valley here in Cali, you HAVE to try them if you love Mexican food!:old The chili con carne was delightfully spicy :drool, but they had us try the chili verde and that was really delicious too.

Kid came home and slept off the mornings excitement.

He regularly says this.... "You know, if I get hit by a car, I won't have to go to work today!" Well apparently, when it actually happens... it's not that much fun!!! STOP saying that already!!!!!:barnie:barnie:barnie

Ok, life, that's enough now! Behave! Sit! Calm yourself! Be quiet (or whatever!!! just settle down please!) :old
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Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
Always a fun time at your place! At least it looks like your son came out pretty well considering what could have happened.

If y'all are ever in the central valley here in Cali, you HAVE to try them if you love Mexican food!
Why bother, I heard a poll was taken and the best Mexican restaurant in the country is ....
Taco Bell!

Though I do have to add a personal comment to that result
:gig:lol: Taco Bell, at best, kinda sorta resembles real Mexican food.


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
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NE Texas
And the best Italian food is from Fazano's... (Italian fast food rest in case you don't know) :\ Sorry the kid came away with that Frankenstein look. He appears not all that worried about it though. He can make up some grandiose story to tell his kids about how that scar came about. Hope the bill isn't too grandiose...:confused:


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
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NE Texas
Western thing I guess... They had them in CO and I've seen them elsewhere as well but can't remember where... maybe FL or VA. :hu Really want to win the Mega Millions tonight. Bought a ticket a few days ago for tonights drawing. Just looked at it and it's a friggin powerball ticket :he:rant:somad Incompetent cashier printed out tickets for the wrong damn game. So... Guess I'll just have to win that one instead tomorrow night. It's only 1/2 the MM amount though. :\

Mike CHS

Herd Master
Mar 18, 2013
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Southern Middle TN
When my Mom was terminally ill I was working in Memphis and was fortunate enough to be able to work from home while I was running her convenience store up in Missouri about 80 miles away. I punched the wrong game in for a customer and rather than cancel it I paid for it and kept it. It was a $10,000 winner. :)


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
I have nothing against Taco Bell, but the true Spanish/Mexicali blood comes through in my love for authentic Mexican food. I am trying my hand at making a few "authentic" dishes, as close an I can get anyways, my carnitas were off the hook BTW! but they do have the "cali" twist on them since I am a true california baby.;)

I would love to win the lotto, but I only play the mega millions, only when I am in one particular gas stop, only when I remember :oldand happen to have the $2 in cash. One time, years ago, my first time gambling in fact, I won $3000 on a keno game. I picked 6 out of 6 numbers.