Rammy's Ramblings

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Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
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East Texas
Having just lost our beloved Parker to pancreatic cancer, I really really share your pain. He was happy, bouncy, let the grand kids lay all over him, right up to the day before we took him to the vet. We had to put him down. It sucks that our babies leave us, long before we are ready to face it.

I found this on youtube when our Labrador, Danny, died in our arms 7 years ago, 3 days before Christmas. I played it over and over, crying. And the day after Christmas, our DD and family adopted Parker for us, now he is gone and we have Beaux. Life goes on.

It hurts so bad to lose our friends and we grieve, we miss them. The joy they bring us far outweighs the grief we feel when they are gone. I'll take the hit, I'll take the pain and grief, just so I can have the years of joy and love from my precious friend.

Big hugs.



Herd Master
Golden Herd Member
Mar 7, 2018
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Seems all I do lately is cry. Thats why Im not replacing anyone after they are gone. Its just too hard. Ive been keeping myself busy with other things like learning a new language, work, which actually, Im growing to hate, and got some new baby chicks.
I wonder if, when people start hating their job, thats when they quit, sell everything, and buy an RV?


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
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NW Vermont
Or they may start thinking about what sort of work they would like to do and retrain if necessary. You need a lot of money to "sell it all and buy an RV" unless you are already retired with a pension ;)


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
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NE Texas
Dreaming is good. Gives you a goal. Then you just have to work out a "how to" achieve it. My last and final job I was the QA lead in a manufacturing plant. management was whacked. The Quality Engineer was useless. and they wanted me to work as the shift supervisor for the crews I was QAing their work/product... After a particularly ugly period, they called me in on a Wednesday before the Labor Day weekend and told me to take a paid "administrative reprimand leave of absence" till after the long weekend to "adjust my attitude". When I returned Tuesday morning, I walked right past the plant manager and the manager who sent me home without a word, went to & emptied my locker and took my lock, went to the QA Engineer and turned in all my tools, went to HR and told them to just pay out my earned vaca time in my final check via mail, and walked out. I had been working there for 4 years and at that point, had reached the last straw. :idunno Hope things at work get better for you...


Herd Master
Golden Herd Member
Mar 7, 2018
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Thats the problem Im having lately. I cant tolerate, or have the patience for things like I used to. Im tired of always being negative, upset, stressed out, complaining all the time. It seems thats all I do anymore. I just about told them to shove it couple days ago and go home, but I didnt. But its getting to that point. Just have to start looking around see if there is something else out there I can do that pays good. Maybe I will get lucky.


Herd Master
Jun 3, 2018
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western Arkansas
Dear Miss @Rammy,

I joined BYH a couple of months ago after reading the very funny posts by Miss @Baymule titled "I Hate Green Briars!". Since joining, I have been amazed at all of the things I have found on this web site. I have been reading different posts by several different folks, and have now started reading different folks' journals. I read through Miss @goatgurl's journal start to finish, and have now read yours. I want to thank you for sharing your feelings with everyone, and I hope I can now join in the conversation.

I can definitely understand your frustrations with your job. I went through a lot of that pain as well. Somehow I managed to make it to retirement before quitting or getting laid off. Ever since I retired Oct 1, 2017, things have been so much better. So hang in there, and when you need to vent, you have all of these friends on this forum who will listen.

Regarding your dog, I feel your pain. I once had a miniature Schnauzer that my wife got for me for my birthday back in 1993. I so much loved that dog. I loved how he would go "Woooo!" whenever he was really happy, like when I got home from work. We kept him for almost 14 years, till he died from cancer. I cried so hard the day he died, I thought my heart would break. I have still yet to get a dog to replace him, over 9 years later. Recently, my wife and I read a book titled Merle's Door that was so touching. We are now reading the next book by the same author titled Pukka's Promise. Reading about the author and his dog makes me realize it is time to get another one. So believe me, I know the pain you are having. But don't give up on having any more dogs or cats. I think I am finally ready to get another dog.

I am wondering how your dad is doing. I went through the loss of my dad back in late Aug 2016. He died from congestive heart failure 3 days after he and my mom celebrated their 66th wedding anniversary. I had so hoped to retire before he passed away, but alas, it wasn't meant to be. But I hope your dad can rally and live long enough to see you retire, so you can spend more time with him.

Please know that as hard as it may seem at times, there are a lot of people who care about you and wish the best for you.

Senile Texas Aggie


Herd Master
Golden Herd Member
Mar 7, 2018
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Dear Miss @Rammy,

I joined BYH a couple of months ago after reading the very funny posts by Miss @Baymule titled "I Hate Green Briars!". Since joining, I have been amazed at all of the things I have found on this web site. I have been reading different posts by several different folks, and have now started reading different folks' journals. I read through Miss @goatgurl's journal start to finish, and have now read yours. I want to thank you for sharing your feelings with everyone, and I hope I can now join in the conversation.

I can definitely understand your frustrations with your job. I went through a lot of that pain as well. Somehow I managed to make it to retirement before quitting or getting laid off. Ever since I retired Oct 1, 2017, things have been so much better. So hang in there, and when you need to vent, you have all of these friends on this forum who will listen.

Regarding your dog, I feel your pain. I once had a miniature Schnauzer that my wife got for me for my birthday back in 1993. I so much loved that dog. I loved how he would go "Woooo!" whenever he was really happy, like when I got home from work. We kept him for almost 14 years, till he died from cancer. I cried so hard the day he died, I thought my heart would break. I have still yet to get a dog to replace him, over 9 years later. Recently, my wife and I read a book titled Merle's Door that was so touching. We are now reading the next book by the same author titled Pukka's Promise. Reading about the author and his dog makes me realize it is time to get another one. So believe me, I know the pain you are having. But don't give up on having any more dogs or cats. I think I am finally ready to get another dog.

I am wondering how your dad is doing. I went through the loss of my dad back in late Aug 2016. He died from congestive heart failure 3 days after he and my mom celebrated their 66th wedding anniversary. I had so hoped to retire before he passed away, but alas, it wasn't meant to be. But I hope your dad can rally and live long enough to see you retire, so you can spend more time with him.

Please know that as hard as it may seem at times, there are a lot of people who care about you and wish the best for you.

Senile Texas Aggie

Hello! And welcome to :welcome !
Thank you for your kind words. I have lost alot of animals over the years, and you think it would get easier over time, but it doesnt. One reason Im not replacing anyone is I may, at some point, have to move in with my Mom when my Dad passes, so I cant have any animals if I do that.
Dad is doing ok on some points as in he has gained some weight back to around 135 now but he is having trouble with limbs swelling. His right arm swelled up so bad from the elbow down that he has to have it kept wrapped with a pressure bandage. He bruises real easy still and has wraps on his legs, too. He fell the other day and Mom had trouble getting him up since she has has shoulder surgery and cant hardly use that arm anymore. He has to use the walker from now on, Mom says. She has to put these pads on the bed because he bleeds during the night thru his wraps.
Mom asked me to stop at the hospital tonight to pick up that stuff you drink for a scan. He has to go sometime next week for that. Hopefully it wont show anything bad. Mom has been having trouble with her meds. One has been giving her stomach troubles and she has had dizzy spells. Its for her blood pressure. The Dr. wrote a prescription for a different med so hopefully it will make her feel better.
My Dad wont be around to see me retire. He is 85 now, I think. He wa born in 1933. Too tired to do the math. It would be nice, but I dont think he will be with us much longer. I will be happy if he makes it to Christmas.
Its great you have read so many others journals. Wait til you get to @Latestarter.
Im only halfway thru his! @Baymule is always a good read! She definitely has a way with words!
Yes, there are alot of great people on here and I know I have alot of great freinds to vent to, but sometimes you have to stop playing the sad records and play a good Bollywood tune.


Herd Master
Golden Herd Member
Mar 7, 2018
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P. S. I have 14 years to go until retirement. Not sure Im gonna make it! :he:barnie
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