Herd Master
I believe DH had let the owner know about it before but that was not long after we bought out place.
Um, OK but you pay the taxes. And a reasonable amount to lease what you want to useOr you can buy it and we will "watch" it for you since you don't live in NY.![]()
You of course, and those who agree with that, are free right now, to offer your land up as said nature preserve, remove all the buildings and let mother nature take it over. But you won't. NMBY..... in reverse, because the people who advocate this, already have 'their' little parcel and they and their heirs aren't about to walk away from it and turn it into a nature preserve.Im going to post a little rant here. Something that bothers me and has for as long as I can remember. When I am driving somewhere, or when I was little and couldnt drive, I love and loved to look at the scenery. But then you pass by a place you use to see trees and wilderness, and next thing you know, someone is building something on it. It just upsets me to no end to see Mother Nature being torn apart by "progress". I mean, when is it going to stop? It just seems that someone comes along and sees an untouched piece of land, and says "Hey! Lets build something on it." There is a city about 20 minutes away from me that this one stretch of land has been the same for as long as I can remember, but now, they are buiding condos or apartment buildings on it. I found an ad on Realtor that I recognized as the land right across from my Mom that is for sale now. It was, is, currently a cattle farm. I know that growth is inevitable, but why cant we just leave some things alone? Thats why I wish, but will never be able to afford to , buy land and never allow any type of building. Make it a nature preserve or something.
I know its probably silly but it just bothers me when I see this. Ok..........
Well, not necessarily. Plenty of land in Vermont has been sold for that exact purpose. Natural areas with severe restrictions on building. People that could have subdivided and made a ton of money sell it to the Conservancy for its "Ag" or "open land" value, not development value.But you won't.