Ridgetop - our place and how we muddle along


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
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Shadow Hills, CA
I might replace the electric stove with a gas stove, but need to wait till we put in a propane tank for the generator. LOL No propane to the Yantis house at all. I don't like electric stoves either but the glass top one is pretty easy to clean so I can live with it for now.

So on to the continuing sage of the electric canner. I had to let it depressurize, and cool down. then I added more water and replaced the jars. Just as it was ready to vent again, I noticed that I had not replaced the bottom rack in the canner! :he

Turned it off again, cooled it down, took out the jars, put in the rack, added water to the correct level, put the jars back in, reprogrammed the time, ran through the cycles again, and finally finished canning the last 4 jars of spaghetti sauce and 1 jar of pork verde. Now another load of 5 quarts of pork verde is in the canner. I have 3 jars and enough pork verde to do after this batch is finished. Then I am out of quart jars, having canned about 30 quarts of spaghetti sauce, pork verde, and raw pack pork. 7 hours on my feet. Canning is not for the faint of heart.

I have a lot of goat milk in the freezer so will probably thaw the goat milk and process it. I only drink fresh goat milk myself; the canned and frozen stuff is for orphan lambs. I canned a lot of milk back in the day because we didn't have enough room in the freezer for it and I wasn't going to throw it away. I used it for calves and the next season's kids. It worked fine particularly when mixed with some commercial calf or lamb replacer. Using the goat milk is easier on their stomachs at first. I will keep the colostrum frozen though since canning it would turn it to cheese! LOL I used to can milk in quarts because we were bucket feeding lots of dairy kids and calves. I have about 50 tall narrow 3/4 pint jars in the shed I will use for the milk. For bummer lambs canning the milk in 12-ounce jars will the right size to feed. But later - when I have recovered from this canning frenzy!

A few sprinkles overnight left the ground dam this morning. Sunny out now though. DH and DS2 are watching football and having father-son bonding as they diss the referee's calls.


Herd Master
Aug 27, 2022
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Southern CA
Ya' know ---- in my old house I had wall ovens and a cook top. The cook top was the best of both worlds -- gas and electric. 4 gas burners and a double / 2 burner electric where I could pull out that section and replace it with a glass top burners, or regular electric coil burners, or an electric grill. Brand was Dacor. But - just an info point there are cook tops that do both. Don't know if that is true for stoves or not.


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
Here I have built in double electric ovens and a gas downdraft cooktop. In Yantis it is just one stove so all electric. I like electric ovens for baking, but gas flame is better for broiling and cooking. Not in the market to replace it at this point since I want a hay barn first. The hay barn will also be where we park the 5th wheel trailer and truck during hailstorms. LOL

Gotta go check the canner - I think it just turned off. Still in cool down mode - pressure hasn't dropped enough to open it and start the last 3 jars.

DD2 brought over a bunch of baby stuff to go to Texas for someone who is having a baby in November and hasn't got much money. There was a new car seat - it didn't fit in their car so they didn't use it but had gotten rid of the box so couldn't return it. A My Friend nursing pillow, and a lot of other stuff still in the boxes. There were some blankets, and a whole bag of toys that looked brand new. DD2 is meticulous about cleaning. In fact, she is pretty obsessive about cleaning and washing everything constantly. I packed 2 large boxes with the stuff she brought over. I am taking back 5 knitted blankets I made and a Delta mini crib along with all the bedding. I also have an older Snap N Go stroller frame so need to see if the car seat will fit in it. It is adjustable for different brands of car seats so :fl I used it for all DD1's kids with different brands of car seats. I will have to make sure before I haul it all the way back.

DGS6 (Nick) has Foot, Hand and Mouth disease. His brother and cousin had it last year. They gave it to DD1's children and those children gave it to their visiting aunt and uncle who returned to Maryland to spread around the east coast. At least everyone here has already had it. DS2 is not very happy at the moment. DDIL2 freaks out at the smallest sign of fever and whisks the children off to the emergency room. He has one of those medical plans where they put so much $$$ in a fund and he is afraid she will use it up. Yesterday she took DGS6 in at 5 am and they didn't see the doctor until 10 am. Then they told her to give him baby Tylenol and take him home. I don't have much influence on her since her parents live close and she is over there a lot. Otherwise, I would tell her to give baby Tylenol and ride it out. LOL Maybe DS2 could pay me to tell her that.


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
When DGS2 caught it from Robert, we told him that we would have to put him down with hoof and mouth. He was quick to correct us that it was hand and mouth. LOL

All 36 quarts of canned spaghetti sauce and pork are done. Seals checked, rings removed, jars washed, and jars packed in cases for transport t Yantis. Canner washed out and repacked in box, coffee maker returned to kitchen, coffee made and enjoying my first cup. Aaaaagh . . . .

Tomorrow the stitches come out of my finger. I have been changing the bandage every day, and wearing tight neoprene glove to do canning, cooking, dishes, etc. Those are the gloves I use for livestock chores, painting, and messy work. Today I left the bandage off to let oxygen get to it. Seems fine, no pain, full use even with the stitches. We'll drive down to Santa Monica tomorrow and fit my stitch removal in before DH's pre-op appointment for his knee replacement.

Got my list of which ewes to put with which ram settled. Each ram will get 11 ewes. The 7 young ewes will be moved into a small area below the barn so each breeding flock will have its own area.
When we get to Texas, I have been thinking about keeping one group of ewes together as they move through breeding, lambing, and lactation. I would like several groups, and would move the rams in and out. Several weeks after everyone was marked, I could move in a different clean-up ram to make sure everyone settled.

Today I need to work on my paperwork from our Texas trips. I am getting behind on my bookkeeping. Also, some filing needs to be done. I guess I have to go to work.


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
Still looking for a stock trailer. Might have found one but higher cost than I wanted to spend so have to figure out the money. DH is checking on our accounts to find the money now. This is an older trailer, gooseneck, 1984 aluminum but totally rebuilt with new undercarriage and axels. Has been on the market about a month so probably slightly overpriced by owner who is the person that has had it rebuilt. Clean title is a plus. We will have to travel to Texas to pick it up. Will call him back and let DH ask all the questions about axel weight, etc. Only one middle door so 2 compartments, but both doors are slides. Has storage compartment over nose. Thinking more and more positively about coming up with the cash for this trailer, but will have to figure out how to pick it up with all these doctor appts for DH before knee surgery. Might be able to have seller hold it with down payment.

Anyway, Ozel has become better and better with the guarding. She is exceptional, and working as part of the team. The others are giving her more responsibility. She is 9 1/2 months old and will be coming into season in December, at around a year old. Ozel has a very deep bark. Surprisingly deep for a puppy when we brought her home and at first we didn't realize it was Ozel barking! LOL Now we recognize the difference in barks between the 3 girls. Rika is holding her own and still working. I am worried about moving her to the cold weather in Texas. If it is really cold when we move the sheep, I may leave her here with a couple younger ewe lambs to guard until May. Having a couple youngsters here will keep her happy and she will not have to deal with a sudden weather change. I have my name down for another puppy from Erick's next litter in 2024. Ozel will only be 18 months old, but I am open to either a male or female pup next. Still missing my sweet Bubba. Will need 4 Anatolians in Texas on larger acreage with Rika getting older.

DH going to doctor or first pre-op with GP today. I am getting stitches out of finger. I could remove them myself, but DH insists the doctor do it. :rolleyes: Fussbudget! Anyway, we like to ride together since we can use the commuter lane and if there is traffic it is an hour and half drive. In the middle of the night with no traffic, half hour. LOL UCLA Medical is getting more offices in the SF Valley though so that is good.


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
That is my plan for Rika. She will be able to be the house/yard dog when she wants and sheep guardian when she wants. Since I plan to keep the lambing ewes and newborn lambs between the house and barn for the first few weeks, she can be with them.

Lucked out today at doctor's visit. Dropped off DH for his 2:00 pre-op appointment and went to have my stitches removed. Stitches out and on way back to pick up DH at 2:09! DH came out at 3:00 and said his GP wanted him to have immediate biopsy on lump on hand that refused to heal. Called and was able to get him in today at 4:45 in Santa Monica. Since we were already in Santa Monica we grabbed a hamburger then went for biopsy. I told doctor that he was scheduled October 11 for knee replacement and any surgery had to be done before replacement. Doctor said she would get him in immediately for surgery if biopsy showed cancer needing removal. Teeth cleaning scheduled for next Tuesday and second pre-op with surgeon following Tuesday. My appt was cancelled - doctor not going to be in office - was able to reschedule appt for same day DH having knee surgery. I will whip over to office while DH is under the knife and return to pick him up after surgery. So all on schedule for knee surgery. :) Love it when a plan comes together.

Have to arrange a trip to Texas to deliver 3 large boxes of baby things, car seat, and the crib to Pastor Jeremy. Eric's and Mrs. Eric's baby due November 12. Also have to get back to Texas to pick up the trailer.

We bought the older aluminum gooseneck 24' stock trailer. Bay found it for us. It is an older Kiefer and the owner completely rebuilt the undercarriage, replaced the axels with heavy duty axels, heavy duty tires and 17" rims. He redid all the brakes, wiring, lights, flooring, etc. He also had any splits in the entire body and roof welded. Once it was done, he had the entire thing coated inside and out with the special coating you put on aluminum trailers. In other words, this is a new trailer. And he cleared the title as well. A lot of older used trailers are sold without a clear title. More than we really wanted to pay, but trailers hold their value and less than half what a new one would have cost. Plus it is aluminum, lighter to tow and use less gas which is important is a larger trailer. It also has a forward storage compartment with access from inside the trailer and an access door on the outside. We will have to carry a ladder to get into the storage compartment through the outside door, but there is one. LOL There is also a forward escape access door, and both trailer gates have slide gates. I am sending the seller a small deposit and he is holding it for us until we can get back to pick it up. We may have to put off the purchase of our generator for several months but at least we can get the sheep back to Texas. We can transport all the corral panels back to Texas in one go as well, not to mention our furniture and remaining belongings. Instead of 5 or 6 trips with 2 trucks and trailers, we can do 2 trips and be completely moved. The savings on gas alone will almost pay for the trailer. At one time DH had considered buying a cargo trailer to transport everything back, but this is a much better solution since we couldn't have loaded the sheep in a cargo trailer. The seller said that this model trailer is made to allow double decking to transport sheep or hogs.

So that is one thing off my mind, all we have to do now is drive back and get it. DH said he can get as many bales of hay in it as on the flatbed so we will probably bring stop in AZ and pickup more alfalfa. We will keep the last 100 bales of alfalfa we have at the hay dealer in reserve.

Little Nicky is trying to walk. He can climb up a couple steps and crawls everywhere. Robert likes to be Stompy the dinosaur. He stomps his feet hard on the ground and roars. Nicky doesn't really like this because Robert's favorite thing is to roar loudly in Nicky's face which makes him cry. :rolleyes: Big brothers are all the same in all generations. Nicky is going to be a larger child than Robert so in a few years will probably be sitting on Robert instead of the other way round. Robert needs to watch out and be nicer to Nicky. He does give him kisses when he accidently hurts him. And band aids from his doctor kit. LOL

I need to do some more packing for the next trip out. DH is trying to figure out how we can get to Yantis and back in the time between appointments and his surgery. It will be tight. We cud just go to Lubbock to pick up the trailer. The seller said he could meet us in Las Cruces NM as well if that would be easier. DH says that if he is going that far we might as well take a truck load to Yantis instead of going 2/3 of the way and coming back. He also suggested that Doofus could drive out with me and drive the gooseneck back but :tongue. I could drive out to Yantis myself, and pick up the trailer on the way back, but am not sure I could handle the gooseneck without practice. Gotta figure out the timing. Anyone interested in a road trip? You have to be able to drive a gooseneck. LOL DH said he would take me out with the flatbed. It is a gooseneck, and I can practice towing it. I suppose if I could drive our crew cab duelly with a 12' Lance camper towing a 16' stock trailer with a full load of equipment and 30 goats all over the fairgrounds of California, I can deal with an empty gooseneck stock trailer. But I really don't want to. LOL I suppose I could drive the truck with DH after his surgery in the passenger seat. He could ride along and tell me what to do driving the gooseneck. However, the probability of both of us surviving the trip is low. :lol:

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
Sounds like the trailer is a total rebuild and it makes it a good buy. 👍 if gas saved in #of trips -- and your obviously free time🤫 -- offset the cost, it's a deal! We haven't even gotten to a resale value. Yep, a good find. And aluminum!

With all "that" out of the way, there's only an "little" drive to go get it 🤣🤣 but, yeah, don't go empty handed! Take something there. Geesh, this has been a loooong move. Thankfully, the last load will be to your already set up home. 🥰 then we'll get more pictures. I think we need one of this trailer 🤔

suppose I could drive the truck with DH after his surgery in the passenger seat. He could ride along and tell me what to do driving the gooseneck. However, the probability of both of us surviving the trip is low. :lol:

😂😂😂😔😜👎🤬. Really low!!