Ridgetop - our place and how we muddle along


Herd Master
Jan 15, 2024
Reaction score
Zone 3B
Looks like DH is planning to sink a new well. The water line into the groid os wrtten as dgalvanized so I need to see the bid and ask abut lining it with PVC. The old well line is pitted from minerals in the soil. I don't want the new line to go that way too. Some people have told me that the water lines should be PVC to avoid that problem.
Depends on the depth of the well and how far it has to send the water depends on if PVC can handle the pressure and I wouldn't go with PVC it would be HDPE. Something ever happen to that well and you got PVC down there you will have problems getting that pump up without damaging it. Trying to send PVC down at 10' lengths would be a disaster based on the strength of the joints too.
The casing which is something different can go in as PVC or HDPE if they have the tools to make it happen.