Ridgetop - our place and how we muddle along


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Been re-reading some of the thread... Erick may have had a "clostridium bloom"... sometimes the spores will suddenly proliferate... and they will seem fine one day and dead the next. We lost a couple calves out to pasture one time... and the vet said back then, that was it.
I think that is what your CDT shots are for.... maybe they were at the "end of the time frame" and they got exposed in the environment... and maybe they were exposed to other than the common type clostridiums... our cattle get a 7 or 8 way because it can be a real problem...... the more I thought about it, the more it sounded like a "blackleg" outbreak.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Erick was going through this at the same time I was losing lambs. It was during the incessant rains and our famous heat. I heard from other people who lost sheep and goats. I have NEVER had 2 month old lambs with loads of parasites. Never. It was either the worms were gonna kill them, or worming them with the toxic worm die off was going to kill them. It wasn’t a good place to be. I had to wean early because the ewes were wormy and getting dragged down by the worms and nursing lambs. It was only the ewes with lambs that got hit so hard. The ewes that were open were fine. I never want to see those days again.


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
I think that is what your CDT shots are for.... maybe they were at the "end of the time frame" and they got exposed in the environment... and maybe they were exposed to other than the common type clostridiums...
Erick doesn't vaccinate for CDT. A clostridium bloom with no vaccinations would certainly be a problem.

Had trouble getting on BYH and had to change my password. I had run a scan on the computers for viruses and malware. DH's computer had malware problems. It took 3 days for his comuter to complete the deep scan! DS1 had to talk me through setting it up over the phone.

Just as well we did not get a sofa since DD2 found one for free and doesn't want the loveseats anymore. I have decided not to buy a leather sofa anyway since most of them are ground up leather that is glued onto fabric. The leather eventually sloughs and peels off in bits like sawdust. I am thinking that a fabric sofa may be better with real leather recliners eventually when we replace our furniture. A fabric sofa will look better and give more color to the room since the walls are panelled in oak. Unless I decide to put a whitewash on the paneling the room is pretty dark. Not having to buy new furniture yet will allow us the extra money for other stuff.