Wehner Homestead
Herd Master
I’ve used every kind except the butter flavored. The kids love to pound them flat!
Thank you. We used to have 4 apples trees but one by one they were cut down because they were dying from worm infestation. We don't spray any chemicals so that I can eat the fresh apples. I'm allergic to the store bought ones. Next year we'll get some more trees to plant. I may have to try making some apple butter.Awww..... a boy and a puppy, does it get any better than that?
You must have apple trees. Your apple desserts look sooooo good. A friend used to make apple butter with cinnamon red hots candy in it. It was yummy!
A wise man.We was talking to the owner at an orchard that we wound up buying from and he basically said you can be organic or you can be realistic with fruit trees around here.