SageHill Ranch Journal


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
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Shadow Hills, CA
Also, freeze the tomatoes first... when they thaw, alot of the liquid (water) will pour off and you can save it for soups or something...

When I was searching around for a recipe I was looking for one that I wouldn't have to peel the tomatoes.
Freezing the tomatoes first makes the skins just slip off in water! So much easier than peeling.


Herd Master
Aug 27, 2022
Reaction score
Southern CA
Pretty much the same old things here. Tomatoes still producing at least 6# a day off two plants (that soup is going to be awesome come December). Lots of tomato eating going on :drool -- I like mine straight up or with sugar. Squash is happening now, the tatume is good -- I've had it in casseroles, stuffed and "air" fried. Soon to come in will be the omo and trombocino. I didn't put in zucchini or delicata this year. I've been in search of what they call zucchini in Italy but are not the same as zucchini here but rather very long and slender. I ~think I've got it finally in the trombocino. I've got beans I planted a while back hiding in the squash plants. I guess my garden "theme" , accidental it may be, is super microclimate companion planting! :lol: - whatever, it seems to be working. Learning by accident - 👍👍
The lambs of course are adorable. Still in that very cute stage 😍.
Over the weekend DH put up a new shade sail on the east side of the barn over the corral. :)
The new shade sail

It wasn't blasted hot on the weekend so I decided to sit in the corral and read the book my nephew sent me. Well, it was a good idea until this happened.....

Nothing like an inquisitive lamb! Smile is definitely special. Though some sort of extra special - she will grab a snack from any of the mama ewes! Yeah - that special :lol: .
Yesterday when I let them out of the stall I just stood there in the corral and watched as the mamas and babies joined up with the rest of the flock. Then I realized that Obi was ever so gently moving the flock out of the corral and into the pasture. Not a word was said and it all flowed like a gentle stream. Just gotta love things like that.
Today the Three Musketeers checked out the barn aisle...
The little ram lamb is growing like a weed - that's him in the middle.



Herd Master
Aug 27, 2022
Reaction score
Southern CA
Love the title of the book! Is it amusing?

DD! used to let her baby goats nibble at her face saying they were "kissing" her. Until she noticed that they had "kissed" off the hair around her face leaving tiny stubby pieces sticking out! :lol:
The book is great. The guy who wrote it - Bill Stockton - was a famous artist in Montana who had sheep (a LOT of sheep). It's filled with stories, sketches, and good information too. A fast and fun read. I only let myself read a little bit at a time - I don't want to finish it because I'm enjoying it so much.


Herd Master
Aug 27, 2022
Reaction score
Southern CA
I wonder if it is on Kindle? If not I will have to order it. LOVE the title! Sounds like a great book.
I’m not sure if it’s on Kindle. That said there are A LOT of his sketches throughout.
I just finished the book (couldn’t stop reading - dang it anyway) - wish he was still around - way back then he pretty much predicted where we are at today.
EDIT -- it is available on Kindle. For $3 more you can have the printed book.
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Herd Master
Aug 27, 2022
Reaction score
Southern CA
Saw there is a super storm suppose to hit LA Sunday-ish. Hope you are batten down the hatches. Don't want any reports of flying sheep, or dogs.
Yeah - they keep changing the dang forecast at least here in San Diego -
Early this week it was .25 in starting around 5-6pm 40% chance
Tues it was .75 in starting around 3-4pm 40% chance
yesterday it was 1.25 in starting around 2pm 60% chance
today it's 1.5 in starting at 3AM !!! 70% chance
We've been watching it closely because of a celebration of life for a friend we lost late spring.
We're either going to get rain or not. Sometimes I wonder if the weather folk just get a little too excited and want another 15 min of fame.
Word has been since early this year that's it's an El Nino year so there is that (meaning cool and wet).
I will secure areas in the barn that get blow-in and will re-tarp the hay stall. EEK -- there' two 4 bale stacks that would be better elsewhere. ARGH that will guarantee 2 in!! ;)


Herd Master
Aug 27, 2022
Reaction score
Southern CA
It's been a pretty normal couple weeks lately. Highs in the high 90s - which of course cancels most of my training classes. Though I've managed to squeeze a few in. And also figured out rather than cancelling all of the herding lessons I can do just one early in the morning. So I started that this week and it worked out well. A dog gets to "work", the sheep move around some, and no one gets overheated. Win win.
I ~think the Early Girl tomatoes are about done - they've been yielding about 6# a day for weeks now. I've put up soup, salsa, ketchup, crushed tomatoes, and marinara, and frozen a big bunch as well. Had lots of BLTs the last month or so too yummmm. There is nothing better than home grown tomatoes, and well just home grown anything. The heck with being labeled "a prepper" -- It tastes SO much better, not to mention the sense of accomplishment.
Now that I've healed up from my tumble I've been weed whacking like a mad women :) working with the battery whackers and 5 batteries I can do a few hours every morning -- putting a dent in it. I load of Lil Red with whackers, batteries, line and tools and head out. Throw on the hard hat with the face screen, knee high boots, long sleeves and a good Audible book and head out. Still a lot to do - but ooohhhh that dent looks soooo good! :)
I don't watch/listen to the "news" much anymore so I learned from my bro in CO and here in BYH as well that we have a hurricane bearing down on us! A little bit of reading and I find out that So Cal has never had a hurricane or tropical storm. Go figure! Today we're suppose to get .05 in of rain, max wind gust at 12 mph, tomorrow 2.1 in rain and 14 mph winds with max gust at 31mph, Monday .4 in rain and wind 13 mph max gust at 18mph. So says the forecast. Honestly, we've had way worse winds with Santa Ana's. But like a good busy bee I've raked the corral, dug out on the east side of the barn so water doesn't come into the stalls, tarped the hay even though it's in the barn - there is blow in from the west. I don't know about barns back east, but our barn roof is cantilevered over the side walls for ventilation. GREAT with the westerly breeze/wind we always have, but not so great when it rains (which admittedly is not often). For the most part rain does not get in very much, but enough we should something to make it better. We did put flanges on the door seams in the rainy season and that helped some.
DH put up a tarp on carabineers that should be easy and fast to put and take down. :)
All tools and chairs are now in the barn. :lol: nothing like a big storm to get one cleaned up and organized!
Lil Red and the tractor are now parked in the barn too. All weekend plans have been cancelled. It's really a nice day out though. Around here the road to us could wash out IF the conditions are right for that. Better safe than sorry.
Tarped west side doors.

Tarped hay stall

Lil Red and 'Bota enjoying the luxury of parking inside

So - I fed the sheep their "lunch" - and then this happens.....
dam ram lamb -- that's Mama Stripe saying "I didn't teach him that"
I do believe that's his first "landing in the manger" - it's slick and curved, when I went to get him out he was scrambling legs in 100 different directions! So I held him down until he settled and plucked him out. Then I held him on the floor until he settled again and then eased him toward the hay. Really don't want him to think I'm the big bad monster. Added another "holder" for hay under the bunk.

And..... this one's for you @Baymule -- yes, just the front feet (except for the dam ram lamb :lol:)

Think I'll make salt and vinegar chips out of one of the long Italian squashes, and maybe some cookies.