Herd Master
Well, that explains a lot and it sure is a shame that an animal that was once considered extremely hardy and could eat anything without getting sick is now a problem to raise.
I guess it is the same around here with the wool breeds of sheep in the area....I was advised against getting sheep by everyone with which I spoke. All the old farmers told me that sheep are born, stand up and immediately look around for a way to die.
Knowing that...or at least feeling that is a wonder to me also why anyone would get into sheep, especially in a big way.
The farmer I buy mine from is selling every sheep this week because he had over 25 head killed by a family of bears and he can't keep this from happening.
Sorry, free...didn't mean to hijack your thread but I always have the need to ask "why" and to a thirst for knowledge!
Back to your goaties and your Corid problem..... can't wait to see what you find.
I guess it is the same around here with the wool breeds of sheep in the area....I was advised against getting sheep by everyone with which I spoke. All the old farmers told me that sheep are born, stand up and immediately look around for a way to die.
Knowing that...or at least feeling that is a wonder to me also why anyone would get into sheep, especially in a big way.
The farmer I buy mine from is selling every sheep this week because he had over 25 head killed by a family of bears and he can't keep this from happening.
Sorry, free...didn't mean to hijack your thread but I always have the need to ask "why" and to a thirst for knowledge!
Back to your goaties and your Corid problem..... can't wait to see what you find.