Somebody has been letting my animals loose at night!


Loving the herd life
Jan 1, 2010
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I'm here, with an update!

I think I may be able to get the go-ahead on a dog if I get the job I am interviewing for this Friday. :D $10 a week is cheap, but right now, I can barely afford to feed what I've already got, if I don't get a job in the meantime, my budget for my farm is $1000 that has to last until....who knows? I've been unemployed two years. My husband got a job a few months ago after a year of unemployment, only to have them cut his hours back to less than 20 a week now.

We lock the pens all night and if everyone is going to be gone during the day. Is is a pain to open them in the morning for feeding, but I can live with it for security. The only unlocked area right now is the stall with the chicks in it, we are trying to figure out how to get a lock on it because it is a metal door with nowhere for a lock. It was opened again sometime during Halloween, I was away from home butchering a steer with friends, and my mother in law went out and found one of the chicks swimming in the water bucket in the doe pen, and then when she went to put it in the barn, she noticed they were all out. She thought I had let them out. She never heard any noise at all, but they are kind of far from the house. I'm going to move the chicks into their "Grown Up" coop tomorrow, so the one unsecured door won't be a problem.

And by the way, I love Greyhounds. :D Beautiful dogs, I almost adopted an ex-racer when I was in college.