Teresa & Mike CHS - Our journal

Mike CHS

Herd Master
Mar 18, 2013
Reaction score
Southern Middle TN
Up until today, the PT was mostly passive but we switched over to more serious muscle rebuilding mode this morning. This whole experience has really been humbling but the constant pain is mostly gone so I can take a bit of humble. I have lifted weights for almost all of my adult life and in my 30-50 years of age, I was really into heavy weights. I had to chuckle with my PT guy this morning. There was a large period of years where I could routinely bench press 350 pounds. This morning I was finding it painful to bench press mostly no weight but using a piece of dowel rod. Tonight it feels like I had tried several hundred pounds since we are just starting the rebuild and trying to replace and do what the rotator cuff used to do but now without a rotator cuff. :)

Mike CHS

Herd Master
Mar 18, 2013
Reaction score
Southern Middle TN
We went and had lunch at the truck stop about a mile from our house. This place always had really good food and we ate theree quite often until it got pretty much destroyed by fire a couple of years ago. They finally got it rebuilt and opened a little over a year ago but we only tried it once until today. The reason is they only had a buffet and we didn't care for it. To us it tasted like a school lunch buffet but they recently started a full menu so we wanted to check it out. I had their smoked half chicken and it was really good and of course, the leftover chicken will also be supper . Teresa had a burger and fries and she said it was also good.

I don't know their cost for rebuilding but it has to be in the million plus range.